With F terminal coded out or "No Error Reported" - what functionality do you loose? What does Terminal F do that you've now told the PCM to not worry...
The 'Documentation' tab speaks to this a bit, so definitely read what's there. When I log for this app, I do a series of smooth throttle roll-ons in...
I can't find it either. I know it was there before because I changed it to a high number, just to see if I can roll out of my driveway while going in...
for some reason when i try to get into boost around 3k or straight into WOT it either boosts cuts or ignition cuts. idk somethings off. been fighting...
@Pistol_91 My only goal is to use the MAP sensor for tuning speed density. Honestly, I just started tuning because I can't find a good tuner here and...
I would go with the advice from blindsquirrel on the injectors. I didn't notice if you mentioned a fuel pump or not but the same rules apply for the...