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Thread: Stock 2012 GTI MED17.5 1K0907115AS_0040 Tune Limitation

  1. #1

    Stock 2012 GTI MED17.5 1K0907115AS_0040 Tune Limitation

    Stock 2012 GTI MED17.5 1K0907115AS_0040.hpt

    I have been trying to tune my 2012 Mk6 GTI.

    I have been running into a boost/throttle closure limit.

    Comparing my file to others the biggest difference I am seeing is in the ETC Throttle Phi Outflow Equation Table

    In my file it is:
    0.5 0.515625 0.53125 0.546875 0.5625 0.578125 0.59375 0.609375 0.625 0.640625 0.65625 0.671875 0.6875 0.703125 0.71875 0.734375 0.75 0.765625 0.78125 0.796875 0.8125 0.828125 0.84375 0.859375 0.875 0.890625 0.90625 0.921875 0.9375 0.953125
    0.911468505859375 0.006500244140625 0.130218505859375 0.013031005859375 0.054962158203125 0.070526123046875 0.000457763671875 0.0244140625 9.1552734375E-05 0.00390625 9.1552734375E-05 0 0.08001708984375 0.160003662109375 0.022003173828125 0.031005859375 0.040008544921875 0.000152587890625 0.087890625 0.1220703125 0.18310546875 0.244140625 0.3662109375 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

    In Almost all the tunes i have compared mine to the table looks like this:
    0.5 0.515625 0.53125 0.546875 0.5625 0.578125 0.59375 0.609375 0.625 0.640625 0.65625 0.671875 0.6875 0.703125 0.71875 0.734375 0.75 0.765625 0.78125 0.796875 0.8125 0.828125 0.84375 0.859375 0.875 0.890625 0.90625 0.921875 0.9375 0.953125
    1 1 1 0.99932861328125 0.99749755859375 0.994598388671875 0.9906005859375 0.9854736328125 0.97918701171875 0.971771240234375 0.963134765625 0.953277587890625 0.942169189453125 0.929718017578125 0.915924072265625 0.900665283203125 0.8839111328125 0.865570068359375 0.845489501953125 0.823577880859375 0.799713134765625 0.773651123046875 0.74517822265625 0.71405029296875 0.67987060546875 0.64215087890625 0.6002197265625 0.55316162109375 0.4993896484375 0.43743896484375

    I haven't found the exact ECM type of my car to compare it to so I am not sure if this is just a difference in the ECM or something else.

    If I try importing that table the car either doesn't start or will sputter and die instantly. Any insight or help is much appreciated thank you.

  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    Southern California
    The file you posted is bone stock?
    I don't believe the oem throttle settings are your problem, but instead torque limits.
    Here's what I would do, but note I don't know anything about your car, it's just what my first try would look like if it were my car:
    Stock 2012 GTI MED17.5 Chevota.hpt

    I also turned your fan on earlier simply because it bugs me to let engines cook for no reason, and hot engs ping more and pull boost as a result. So that along with the stuff, see if it works for you.
    '16 E550 Coupe RWD - C207.373 / M278.922 / MED17.7.3 / 722.909