I am helping a friend out tune a CTSV that's got an underdrive pulley and the car was setting a P0068 and P012B. I pushed out the threshold for P0068 so it no longer sets but it still sets the P012B. It seems to set under normal driving conditions and I'm assuming the computer just isn't happy with the car making boost sooner than when it was stock. I've searched the forums and really only found 1 thread talking about P012B but no real conclusions. I'm thinking P012B may be setting due to max airflow correlation tables under P0068 even though I have P0068 set to not run below 8000rpm. I've attached the tune if anyone has any insight. CTSV_base_tune_from_car_ecmonly_withWB_afterSD_afterOLMAF_2_PE_lowered_maf_final_1.hpt