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Thread: C43 AMG Torque to load

  1. #1
    Tuner in Training
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    C43 AMG Torque to load

    Hi all!
    im looking for some assistance with editing a 2016 C43.
    The car originally had a JB4 which did an ok job but it was very inconsistent.

    Attached is the oem read and the current mod file, the current file has given a slight increase in power, but it's nowhere near the performance of the JB4.

    I read the thread regarding opt trq/trq to load normalized torque.

    Any advice is much appreciated
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  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner
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    I tweaked some stuff that I would do if it were my car and first attempt to see how it reacts. It works well you/we can bump it more but you need to post data with it as well.
    Turned your cooling fan on earlier too. It bugs the crap outta me to let engines cook like that, and hot engine ping more. So look through it and see what you think:

    I was going to adjust some really odd things in your ignition timing (Spark) but it was so left field it can't be real? I see some odd things now and then that I assume are unused tables and someone was entertaining themselves? So while I assume this one is not used, I just don't know what to make of it so I left it be. The others were weird too, this was the worst one.


    Your Fuel was odd in that it's different depending on the version of HP I used to look at it. I prefer v4.10.7 for my car, it works and is hassle free. In your car a ton of things were missing so I used the latest v5.1.901. The odd part is I edited your 2nd Fuel in v4.10.7, but in v5.1.901 it was simply not there to edit. Oh well, it's still in there and edited, but note that when you tinker in the future
    '16 E550 Coupe RWD - C207.373 / M278.922 / MED17.7.3 / 722.909

  3. #3
    Advanced Tuner outlaw_50's Avatar
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    There is much more left on the table to add/alter horsepower depends on the year model too if you know your way around it

    Max Airflow, Torque2Load, Fueling, etc ..

    Torque2Load alone wont get you were you want
    Xstages Motorsport

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  4. #4
    Tuner in Training
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    Thanks Chevota
    I’ll test this very soon and report back with a log file.

    I did notice that a few lambda tables are not editable, it reports ‘read only’
    Regarding 12688, I’m seeing the exact error using 5.0.4

  5. #5
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    That read only thing is a smog thing. Next thing HP won't allow us to do anything at all. So to get edit "permission" you have to take an online class. I wasn't going to do it because I don't need permission with the old version, but eventually I did. Don't ask me why, but I can tell you it was not only an absolutely awful class and colossal waste of time, it didn't even work! I still can't edit fuel with the new version!
    So F'em, I'll continue to use the older, user friendly version.

    Here's a pix of your 2nd Fuel table that v5 and up can't see:

    43 2nd.jpg
    '16 E550 Coupe RWD - C207.373 / M278.922 / MED17.7.3 / 722.909

  6. #6
    Tuner in Training
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    I went for a quick drive with the file you edited, the car seems slower,
    Attached is the stock tune log and the modified one.

    Let me know your thoughts.
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  7. #7
    Advanced Tuner
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    Well that's depressing. I thought it was conservative but I expected something.
    I bumped a couple things up a bit, see if it responds.


    I need more data. You only have a few things going on there. Here's what I record:
    '16 E550 Coupe RWD - C207.373 / M278.922 / MED17.7.3 / 722.909

  8. #8
    Tuner in Training
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    Finally had a chance to respond although i tested the file you modified 6 days ago.
    Version 2 made a slight improvement, i then modified that map which yielded great results! The log file says all.

    MOD_1 is the log file that corresponds with version 2 map
    MOD_2 log corresponds with map MARK_C43_chevota2_0001 this is also the current map

    Although the map i tweaked made a good difference, the car enters limp mode at partial throttle, the CEL that triggers is a torque limit,
    i did not record the code, i totally forgot.

    This car needs more boost! i cant get anymore than 14-15psi no matter how high torque to load is.

    Really appreciate the time and effort guys, collaborating educates us more.
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  9. #9
    Advanced Tuner
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    You don't mess around when raising #'s do you? Gotta be careful or you'll go too far and fault out
    Your torque to load is way too high. Mine is 250 at peak load, which is more than I can use but I have it there so I know it won't limit me. I think somewhere ~230-240 is where I can see it pulling boost.
    Same with my Max Desired Load under Airflow, which I have set at 300 because somewhere ~260-280 it pulls boost. But my car is weird, apparently, and I have to set my #'s higher to get it work. It seems like maybe you too?

    I wouldn't put positive #'s in your spark Base and protection tables. You never know, you may need it and it won't work, or push then to far and it just pings right away. I'm surprised it didn't ping.
    I have my whole Min Base table set to 0, but it's ok like that, for me. My protection tables I left alone.

    Anyway, I adjusted it more like mine is, with a higher Max Desired airflow and Torque Load where I think is realistic. Put the Optimum back. Spark where you advanced it to 0. Misc other things back to where I had them.
    I think your torque to load faulted you out, too much too soon? Should be fine now, but I also tweaked some settings that should prevent, or reduce faults.


    One thing that helped me a lot was lowering Exhaust Temps. Another was the Normalizer. So I adjusted both of those in #4 below, but I'd try #3 above first. Up to you.

    '16 E550 Coupe RWD - C207.373 / M278.922 / MED17.7.3 / 722.909

  10. #10
    Tuner in Training
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    Now we're talking!
    version 3 made an increase, i noticed the throttle shut during a shift, down low response is not as good as my file.

    version 4, feels the best so far, it's not far off my file. down low response is the same as version 3, i noticed the 'bang' after executing an upshift is a lot more violent, i believe this is due to the extra timing reduction.

    Overall version 4 is good, needs more boost though!

    Whats the theory with lowering exhaust temps and normalized torque?
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  11. #11
    Advanced Tuner
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    Sweet. We can bump #s more and see what happens, including the low end, which I lowered because in my car any more would be too much boost. I wouldve thought #4 would be more than enough but we'll keep going.
    Not sure what the Ex temps do but if I leave mine oem I can kiss my power goodbye. I used to think that temp might be where it switches from Target Lambda to 2nd fuel, so I made my Target and 2nd the same, then set Ex temps to oem, and still lost all my power. So I dont know what to think.
    The Normalized is supposed to be part of the math to calc power, so lowering it makes the net torque reading lower which makes the ecu increase boost to get the # up where it should be.
    For me both the Ex temps and Normalized have a limit, so lowering Ex seems to have diminishing returns and below ~1700 doesnt do much. Reducing Normalized more than 10% seems to be the same deal. So 10% works but 15% is no better. I'm also at my physical limit right now so I cant really verify it anymore, but last year when I was not at my limit, thats what seemed to be happening.
    It's very difficult to figure out wth is going on because there is so little info about what all these settings do. So for the last 15 months I've just been tweaking everything to see what responds.

  12. #12
    Advanced Tuner
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    After looking at the run it's clear something else is holding it back, so before be push the numbers further, lets try this and see if it responds.
    I did bump the low end but not the mid-high. If the below responds I don't want it going too far.

    '16 E550 Coupe RWD - C207.373 / M278.922 / MED17.7.3 / 722.909