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Thread: 2007 G35 VQ35HR. Supported, but can't read or write. 4th client I am going to lose

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Lodi, CA

    2007 G35 VQ35HR. Supported, but can't read or write. 4th client I am going to lose

    So I just put in a support ticket last night. Most people can't get tuned during the week they have to do it during the weekend so of course this is the fourth time this has happened where somebody came through with an 07 G35 with a vq35hr in it. It says it's on the supported list out of like the six people I've had come to me to get tuned with these cars only a couple of them work like two of them worked the other four I lost their business. I remember I opened up a support ticket a number of months ago about this I just opened one last night. There hasn't been any updates at all to support this thing. I know it's can based because I can pull it with my PCM flash and I identify it as a can-based ECM. It's the same ECU that's in a number of different ones that are supported that work just fine I know the definitions can't be that different they can't be that far off from one another but the problem that I'm having is that this is the fourth time that a client has come down from like an hour or more away and we get there and I can't do anything for him so he wasted his time and gas I told him that I would probably end up hearing back from HP tuner support pretty soon and that I got an email saying that okay my ticket was actually being reviewed by somebody. I still haven't heard anything back and I get it it was Saturday in the late afternoon early evening and it's Sunday. But I'm about to lose another client because I told him I was going to be able to go out there this morning and to his vehicle but because I can't get this thing to work even though it's on the supported list I'm kind of just dead in the water so this is like the fourth client that I'm losing money from I'm losing their business because I you know made a promise I can't deliver on.

    I'm hoping and posting this publicly that it might light a fire under somebody's ass to actually like like throw a definition file or do an update or something and toss me some sort of new build that has this definition built into it or just can't give me some sort of direction or shoot me a definition file so I could do it with tuner pro or something but I mean this puts me in a really hard position and most of my business come from word of mouth. They're mostly referrals from other people and I've noticed a stiff decline in my Nissan Infiniti clients at least new ones probably related to the fact that three other people now four people are like oh yeah he couldn't tune it blah blah blah even though I can tune it I just can't get the hardware to work with what it says is supported software or supported vehicles or whatever. I'm just really flustered and I'm hoping somebody like it's an admin on here might be able to just like I don't know log into your guy's system and tell me what we could do and address the support ticket because I mean again this ECU is in a bunch of different ones the operating system can't be that different then most of the other definition files cuz as far as I can tell most of these 0708's they all have like the same tables in them slightly different yeah but it shouldn't be that hard to just add one in or or do something that can help me retain this client.

    Can somebody please check in your support queue and an address this issue or give me a an updated build with the definition in it or or something like that. Cuz I'm supposed to be at this dudes spot in 20 minutes and he's an hour away and I already had to tell him like I might not be able to come out there today. Which again makes me looking incredibly foolish
    "Insert some inspirational or smart*** quote here..." - Some Dude

  2. #2
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    I know this is an older post but i had the same issue. I've mentioned this a few times on here that 07s are wired for CAN and K-line, i guess preparing for the 08 mandate. It seems they use CAN for inter module comm and k-line at the diag port, even though the HI/LO CAN circuits are there. I told support what i did, maybe i didn't explain in electrical engineering terms but I'm pretty sure they blew it off. Basically i had a late 08 OS written to the ECU which made the existing ecu use the CAN circuitry at the port and HPT worked perfectly fine after that. Been using it for 3 years