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Thread: 2001 Olds Alero 3.4 Vats Delete?

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Aug 2022

    2001 Olds Alero 3.4 Vats Delete?

    Hi, I was wondering if it?s possible to turn the vets off in the system under the general tab as I selected that?s control and switched it from the serial to PWM but after I saved it and wrote it back, the vehicle would not start any more

    I went back and re-enabled the serial data method in the vehicle starts now

    I am fairly new to HP tuners as a maybe use it once or twice a year being a locksmith. Is there somewhere we can check to see what is available to remove what without having to use our credits to find out?

    I hope I included enough information.

    The reason we are trying to delete that is occasionally the vehicle will reset, and then the customer has to wait for 30 minutes to turn that light off again until it happens again.

  2. #2
    Tuning Addict 5FDP's Avatar
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    Rogers, MN
    It may be possible that if you disable the DTC's for the VATS, that that will be what is needed. Should be a few down in the P16XX range.
    2016 Silverado CCSB 5.3/6L80e, not as slow but still heavy.

    If you don't post your tune and logs when you have questions you aren't helping yourself.

  3. #3
    Potential Tuner
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    Aug 2022
    Would this be on the more advanced side?

    When I went back in this past weekend to download, use up tuners it was much different than what I had used last fall on my laptop which I hadn?t brought with me at the time.

    I?m thinking based off your reply I need to search for a video, tutorial, instructions on ?disabling dtcs using hp tuners?

    Hopefully trying this search query it?ll give me better results.

  4. #4
    Tuning Addict blindsquirrel's Avatar
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    A 'new install' (no previous version to inherit settings from) of VCM Suite defaults to Basic View, which has about 10% of the parameters visible. Edit > View > Basic/Advanced
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    ChatGPT is the end result of someone assuming that if they gather up a large enough pile of sh*t it will spontaneously generate a pony.