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Thread: SCT XCAL 4 Reading 03/04 Cobra maf dmr

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Oct 2023

    SCT XCAL 4 Reading 03/04 Cobra maf dmr

    Hey, I'm using an xcal4 to data log my 02 mustang gt while I sort out a stumbling issue. While going through the data, on the pid list, there is data coming from a "03/04 cobra maf" dmr. I don't have a cobra or cobra maf so, does anybody know what data the xcal is pulling for this reading? The data seems to be relevant to my issue but I just don't know where it's coming from...thanks.

  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    New Orleans, LA
    the 03/04 cobras used ford euro's strategy so some of the native things are different than USA
    thus the xcal has specific logging PIDs for 03/04 cobra.

    That's for the strategy has nothing to do with the peripherals on the engine.
    decipha @ EFIDynoTuning