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Thread: Is there a way to show MAX GForce?

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
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    Apr 2023

    Question Is there a way to show MAX GForce?

    So I have been happy with RR Deluxe for my GoPro11 videos.

    I was hoping to find a gauge for Max G-Force (both R & L), similar to the Top Speed output. I tried many of the alternative GF guages but each only show the "current" level not the maximums achived.

  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner
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    There's a "Peak G-Force" display object under the "Enhanced Display Object" section at the bottom of the "Add Display Object" dialog which should be exactly what you're looking for. I believe it's one of the default display objects in the "Dual Data Compare" template which is where I first found it. There's also a "Peak+Base Speed Banner" which works similarly for your min/max speed.

    I've never needed to change any of the default values, but you could change the "Threshold" and "MinimumG" variables in the Background Script if your data is particularly jittery.

  3. #3
    Potential Tuner
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    MY BAD! I never saw your reply to my question... a belated thanks to your suggestions!

    Yes I found and was/am using the "Peak G-Force" diaplay object, but this gives a running value that you have to watch to see what the g-force value is at that paticular moment. What I was hoping for was a "Top G-Force" max value for both right & left, similar to the "Top Speed" which shows the max value for the entire video in the display object banner.

    Open to suggestions!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikejski22 View Post
    MY BAD! I never saw your reply to my question... a belated thanks to your suggestions!

    Yes I found and was/am using the "Peak G-Force" diaplay object, but this gives a running value that you have to watch to see what the g-force value is at that paticular moment. What I was hoping for was a "Top G-Force" max value for both right & left, similar to the "Top Speed" which shows the max value for the entire video in the display object banner.

    Open to suggestions!
    Seems like the Peak G-Force already has more functionality than just that; so I was able to strip out the parts that reset when the values changes to give just a Max, Max Left, and Max Right similar to the Top Speed banner:

    Max: Max G-Force.rro
    Max Left: Max Left G-Force.rro
    Max Right: Max Right G-Force.rro

    You can change the Field from (Accel Y) to (Accel X) if you'd prefer Acceleration/Braking (but you'd probably need to change the labels in the Background Script to match). You should be able to copy these into My Documents\RaceRender 3\Styles, close/re-open RaceRender and see them available in the Enhanced Display Objects section.

  5. #5
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    And here's a slightly different set that I created from existing stuff:
    Peak Acceleration G-Force: G-Force - Peak Accel Gs.rro
    Peak Deceleration G-Force: G-Force - Peak Brake Gs.rro
    Peak L/R Turn G-Forces: G-Force - Peak Turn Gs.rro

    I use them like this, where the top right is the peak brake/deceleration Gs, the bottom right is the peak acceleration Gs and the center bottom center is the left/right peak turn Gs (the lower left is Gsum, the vectoral sum of the G forces).
    Last edited by aUser; 01-22-2024 at 02:38 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoboBob View Post
    Seems like the Peak G-Force already has more functionality than just that; so I was able to strip out the parts that reset when the values changes to give just a Max, Max Left, and Max Right similar to the Top Speed banner:

    Max: Max G-Force.rro
    Max Left: Max Left G-Force.rro
    Max Right: Max Right G-Force.rro

    You can change the Field from (Accel Y) to (Accel X) if you'd prefer Acceleration/Braking (but you'd probably need to change the labels in the Background Script to match). You should be able to copy these into My Documents\RaceRender 3\Styles, close/re-open RaceRender and see them available in the Enhanced Display Objects section.
    That is exactly what I was hoping for! Thank you for your effort in creating these.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by aUser View Post
    And here's a slightly different set that I created from existing stuff:
    Peak Acceleration G-Force: G-Force - Peak Accel Gs.rro
    Peak Deceleration G-Force: G-Force - Peak Brake Gs.rro
    Peak L/R Turn G-Forces: G-Force - Peak Turn Gs.rro

    I use them like this, where the top right is the peak brake/deceleration Gs, the bottom right is the peak acceleration Gs and the center bottom center is the left/right peak turn Gs (the lower left is Gsum, the vectoral sum of the G forces).
    This sounds pretty good... but I currently only have data from the GPS in my GoPro. When I come up with some better recording equipment that I can import, I'll take a better at this. Thnaks

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoboBob View Post
    Seems like the Peak G-Force already has more functionality than just that; so I was able to strip out the parts that reset when the values changes to give just a Max, Max Left, and Max Right similar to the Top Speed banner:

    Max: Max G-Force.rro
    Max Left: Max Left G-Force.rro
    Max Right: Max Right G-Force.rro

    You can change the Field from (Accel Y) to (Accel X) if you'd prefer Acceleration/Braking (but you'd probably need to change the labels in the Background Script to match). You should be able to copy these into My Documents\RaceRender 3\Styles, close/re-open RaceRender and see them available in the Enhanced Display Objects section.
    HoboBob I really like this Max G-force Display Object. But... I was appling this to a few of my videos and something didn't quite seem right. It looks like the values for the Max-G Right & Left displayed are backwards. "Left Turn: " is being displayed as "Right Turn: x.xx G" and "Right Turn" values showing as "Left Turn: x.xx G"
    In the attach screen clip the middle left has the running Peak G-Force showing Left Turn:1.14 G and at the bottom I have these 3 DO that you created showing Max G-Force: 1.14G but notice that it shows that value for the Right Turn? In my video I just made 2 quick left turns at start of the race.

    I wish I knew haw to change this myself so as to not bother you again


  9. #9
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    I've found that every now and then my data recording app will flip the values on me.

    So, if you edit the display object by double clicking on it, then click "Open Script Editor", then click on the Background Script, you should see a line near the bottom that says:

    LeftIsPositive = true;

    LeftIsPositive = false;
    You may need to change it from true to false or from false to true in order to get it to flip the values. Hopefully that works for you. If not, I can work on posting them with the values flipped tomorrow evening.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoboBob View Post
    I've found that every now and then my data recording app will flip the values on me.

    So, if you edit the display object by double clicking on it, then click "Open Script Editor", then click on the Background Script, you should see a line near the bottom that says:

    LeftIsPositive = true;

    LeftIsPositive = false;
    You may need to change it from true to false or from false to true in order to get it to flip the values. Hopefully that works for you. If not, I can work on posting them with the values flipped tomorrow evening.
    That was the ticket! I did have to upgrade from RR-Deluxe to RR-Advanced to be able to edit the script, but now I have access to all those features. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. By the way I tried to add some points to your "User Reputation" but it says I need to spread it around... go figure, greatly appreciate it... again!