@SiriusC1024 Thanks, will give it a go this evening and get a longer log with steady pulls across more throttle zones. Did you change anything besides the MAF? What did you do to get to the updated values?
@SiriusC1024 Thanks, will give it a go this evening and get a longer log with steady pulls across more throttle zones. Did you change anything besides the MAF? What did you do to get to the updated values?
Last edited by flatpick13; 1 Week Ago at 02:14 PM.
Log file attached for that step 5 tune, whatever you did also seems to have fixed the values at the top end, still a few over 5 but most of them are less than 2%, I appreciate the help, if you can explain what you did to step it there so quickly i'd appreciate it! I'm still getting throttle hang, very little engine/diff braking when I let off the pedal and makes shifting rough over 5k rms, I have a feeling that has to do with the torque management....
@SiriusC1024 Thanks again! I guess I'm missing how to do the piece about extrapolating to the upper and lower bounds using 1.05 for top and 1.02 for bottom. I fiddled with it again in the tune trying to go off of the screenshots you posted and nothing I did looked correct...
All values but one were less than 3%, almost all were less than 2%. Also funny story, there was still throttle lag but it was less after applying this tune. I did two runs, one to warm up for about 5 miles (not logged) before which I reset the LTFTs and at the end of that run the throttle hang was noticeably less. I pulled into a parking lot, reset my LTFT again and restarted the log, throttle hang was back but when I finished the drive (probably 4 miles) the throttle hang was starting to lessen again.
I logged Dynamic Airflow and VEs this time, tried to do some research on what graphs to set up but didn't have any set up for this log, I'll do another this evening with a graph for VE in percentage deviation per RPM.
Can you post a pic of the intake setup, please?
Got a link to the exact cams you're running?
Last edited by SiriusC1024; 1 Week Ago at 11:29 PM.
Pics posted, all custom to cram into the engine bay of a '96 Miata, there are two air feeds to the intake from the front of the car, IAT temps are usually pretty cool (at least when I'm moving).
Running mace cams, link here https://www.maceengineering.com.au/e...ducts/CAM669-A
Last edited by flatpick13; 1 Week Ago at 07:23 AM.
MAF honeycomb is still intact. I'm also having an issue with the car stalling sometimes when I clutch in or take it out of gear (i.e. stop signs), idle goes way low, sub-500 rpm, and sometimes it comes back up to 750 just fine and sometimes it stalls. Do you think changing my Dynamic Airflow disable points to maybe 1k RPM would resolve this? I wasn't having stalling issues before I dropped these to 200 and 100.
Raising the Dynamic Airflow range isn?t the fix, that didn?t work, still stalling about 1/3rd of the time when I let it idle down with clutch in or out of gear.
So it's VVE tuning then. Expect it to run terribly at first.
Stay under 4000rpm's. Don't floor it. Smooth steady pedal movements. 15 minute log at temperature.
Add alcohol percentage if you have the FF sensor installed. If not I'll change it in the tune to disabled.
@SiriusC1024 thanks, I?m out of town until Tuesday but will give it a run when I get back next week. I do have a flex fuel sensor so will make sure alcohol % is logged. Is there anything else I need to enable/change/disable to make sure logs are good?
Oh yeah. Cylinder Airmass.