Tuner in Training
I can get one for $300 but at that point I might as well upgrade to a 411, we'll see what happens*♂️
You do know that requires re pinning almost all the wires in both connectors. And if the 0411 is not already programmed with a Vette file you will have to license that file that is in it plus the Vette file you will be writing to it so 4 credits total.
Last edited by 2xLS1; 3 Weeks Ago at 12:38 PM.
Tuner in Training
Yes, the repinning I can do. The lisencing of files I will have to figure out when I get there. I was assuming my current file could be written to a new pcm using 2 credits but I will do whatever needs to be done when/if the time comes.
You can't write a 98 PCM file to a 0411 PCM.
Tuner in Training
I have alot to learn. I'm sure I will have more questions when it comes time!
Wtf over half a year later and here you are still wringing your hands. Just write to your damn ecu. It'll be fine.
Tuner in Training
thank you, that's the encouragement I need!
Senior Tuner
I didn’t realize that it was OP that was asking about “current” information. It not like there will be a lot of change or anything new for these early ECMs. At least not in a few months.
Tuner in Training
I have a tendency to sit on the fence for awhile, a little too long if you ask the wifey! Was just looking to revive the conversation with anymore input, and that's excacly what I got, thank you everyone that gave information. That's what I'm liking about the forum, great interactions of sharing experience and knowledge. You might here from me in a few more months hahahaha
If you plan on doing lots of tuning or modifications definitely do the 0411 swap i linked. Proper startup tunes included.