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Thread: Another Unlicensed Vehicle Issue

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Apr 2024

    Another Unlicensed Vehicle Issue

    I have opened Ticket #421139 with support but they have been slow to respond. When trying to write my first tune revision on my HP unlocked PCM I am getting the unlicensed vehicle message. Under the licensing tab it shows that I am licensed for the vehicle. I have tried deleting the license file and resyncing and trying to write the tune with the beta version of VCM Editor with no luck. What am I missing?

    Did sending my stock file from my factory PCM to my tuner and not the stock file from the unlocked PCM create this issue?

  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner N2speed's Avatar
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    Pompano Beach FL
    It could be the issue if the calibration has changed.
    [email protected]

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  3. #3
    HP Tuners Support
    Bill@HPTuners's Avatar
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    Hailing from Parts Unknown
    I took a look at your ticket.

    You read out the ZF8 TCM which costs 4 credit in order to license. If you do not wish to tune the TCM, please re-read your PCM only. You can do this by opening VCM Editor and going to Flash -> Read Vehicle. When the Vehicle Reader window appears, press "Gather Info" first, do not just press "Read". You will see both a box for "GPEC2A, 2015+" and a box for "ZF8HP" in the window now. In the box that says "ZF8HP" you should see a drop-down that says "Read Calibration". Change this drop down for the ZF8HP to "Do Not Read" and then press the read button at the bottom of the window. This will cause the software to read the PCM only, you can then make the changes to the PCM only file and you will be able to write it without issues.

    This is also covered in our Dodge Transmission section sticky
    It doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to be done in two weeks...

    A wise man once said "google it"

  4. #4
    Potential Tuner
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    Apr 2024
    I followed your instructions but I still had to license the TCM in order to write my tune to the vehicle.

  5. #5
    HP Tuners Support
    Bill@HPTuners's Avatar
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    Hailing from Parts Unknown
    If you followed my instructions you would've only read the ecm and would not have to license anything other than the ecm. To me it sounds like you didn't follow my instructions.
    It doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to be done in two weeks...

    A wise man once said "google it"