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Thread: Read/clear DTCs and now no crank no start issue

  1. #1

    Read/clear DTCs and now no crank no start issue

    So this is a weird and random problem I?ve never run into before. Vehicle is a GM E83 PCM that is still on the stock tune never been flashed before. The MIL was illuminated so very first thing I did was read the DTCs which was for a bank 1 lean error (permanent) and nothing else besides an old license plate lamp failure in the history. So clicked clear DTCs and history items were removed but kept the lean DTC of course due to being permanent. So turned the ignition to start the car and nothing. No crank, no start, absolutely dick nothing. It?s not a voltage problem. Let the car sit for about 30 min and came back to try, still nothing. PCM and MPVI3 are communicating just fine so I went ahead and read the tune, saved it and flashed the same exact stock tune the car already has and tried to start it again. Still nothing. Disconnected battery terminals for another 30-45min and tried again. Still nothing? Got me head-scratching over here.

    Has anybody else ever run into this problem or know any other options to try to get it to crank?

    Edit: never mind…I guess the PCM just needed a short nap or something lol. Let it sit for an hour and started up fine. (I’d delete this post if I knew how…sorry )
    Last edited by BoostedLuxoBlue; 06-28-2024 at 05:36 AM. Reason: Solved

  2. #2
    Tuning Addict blindsquirrel's Avatar
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    Apr 2017
    Meridian MS
    Quote Originally Posted by urnconstru View Post
    Did you try inspecting the wiring harness for any loose, damaged, or corroded connections related to the starting system?
    In todays complex world, dealing with starter issues can seem like a daunting task. The electric starter motor or cranking motor is the most common type used on gasoline engines and small diesel engines. The starter's electrical components are designed only to operate for typically under 30 seconds before overheating, to save weight and cost.
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    ChatGPT is the end result of someone assuming that if they gather up a large enough pile of sh*t it will spontaneously generate a pony.