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Thread: 2007 FJ Cruiser

  1. #1

    2007 FJ Cruiser

    Is there a way to adjust the timing tables so I don't have to run premium fuel? I don't care if I lose a few HPs.

  2. #2
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Jul 2021
    I would get a datalog with it running regular and see what the knock feedback is, and then you could just pull timing in the base/HO/LO tables all the same amount where ever any knock retard was showing.

    Custom Supercharger Parts, Design and Analysis, Tuning

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by EvilR/T View Post
    Is there a way to adjust the timing tables so I don't have to run premium fuel? I don't care if I lose a few HPs.
    There's not really anything that needs to be done, per se - KCLV will ultimately pick up the difference in octane.

    If you find that KCLV is learning up too much at moderate load and causing knock retard on aggressive tip in, you can either reduce the amount that KCLV can learn up in that region, or pull back timing where you observe knock retard. A log will give you some insight into which may be more appropriate.