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Thread: 3800 P04 open loop?

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
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    Aug 2023

    3800 P04 open loop?

    Trying to scale the maf on my 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix. Still new to tuning from what I gather I need to put the car into open loop. I maxed out the 02 temp and thats about all I could find to put the car into open loop. I log a few runs and still notice that the LTFT are still making adjustments to the fueling table. Again from what I understand the LTFT need to be completely off to adjust the maf properly.
    If I unplug the 02's that should force the car into open loop correct? Or am I doing something wrong? Do I need to tune in open loop to scale the maf properly?
    Any help to a guy just learning would be appreciated

    Attached are current tune in car and most recent log
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    Last edited by GinoXL; 08-10-2024 at 08:03 AM.

  2. #2
    Tuning Addict 5FDP's Avatar
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    Rogers, MN
    Reset the LTFT with the scanner, that will stop them from working if you set the CL coolant temp to 283 degrees.

    Then you also need to make sure you values match for stoich and the open loop fueling command table. Currently right now they are different values.

    Stoich needs to be a real number for pump gas. If the gas is E0, then it's 14.68, if it's all E10 fuel, set it to 14.10. Then have the open loop table set to the same values above like 130 degrees where you are doing all your tuning.
    2016 Silverado CCSB 5.3/6L80e, not as slow but still heavy.

    If you don't post your tune and logs when you have questions you aren't helping yourself.

  3. #3
    Potential Tuner
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    Aug 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by 5FDP View Post
    Reset the LTFT with the scanner, that will stop them from working if you set the CL coolant temp to 283 degrees.

    Then you also need to make sure you values match for stoich and the open loop fueling command table. Currently right now they are different values.

    Stoich needs to be a real number for pump gas. If the gas is E0, then it's 14.68, if it's all E10 fuel, set it to 14.10. Then have the open loop table set to the same values above like 130 degrees where you are doing all your tuning.
    Running 94 octane 10% ethanol. I set the stoich to 14.1 as you suggested. i attached ther new hpt file. Am i on the right track with the adjustments that i have made?
    Thanks for the input
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    2002 GTP M112 Hybrid...1.7 RR, FSIC, 2.9, custom cam TEP 3.29 ....shes pretty good

  4. #4
    Senior Tuner
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    Who told you that you have to tune open loop? You're not going to run open loop when done are you? Tune with the fuel trims. Wideband is for entering PE.