FYI, It is capable to bench read and write the Nissan/infinity MEC-107,108,109 (SH7059) Ecu with hp tuner using bench Pinout config.
No need to buy 450.00 worth of ?UP-sell hardware?. Here?s how to do this for under 40.00
1. Hp Tuner
2. 12v power supply
3. Obd universal bench harness.
4. Pinout PDF instructions. Gen 1 (3.5L 2 plug ecu) and gen 2 (3.7L 3 Plug) ecu ECU-Bench-Harness-Pinouts.pdf
Hook it up turn the power supply dial to 12.8v and go.
If it asks to turn on and off the key. Ignore that, I power on before read or write and power off only upon completion. Worked just fine.
When done, read or write, open SCANNER and clear all codes then soon as it’s done “codes cleared” immediately turn off the power to the ecu from the 12v box. All done.
Nothing to it.