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Thread: Problem with the MPVI3+ but not the MPVI2

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Problem with the MPVI3+ but not the MPVI2

    Have had this problem on 2 different laptops, one running windows 10 and the other 11. The win11 laptop being used lately with over 90gb of free ram and 3tb of free hd space. Vehicle is my own '97 chevy with 0411 pcm swap.
    The mpvi3+ seems to freeze up in vcm scanner and stops logging oem channels but will continue recording prolink channels. Happens in both the stable and beta suites. When it freezes I have to disconnect from car then reconnect otherwise vcm scanner crashes anyhow. If i swap back to the mpvi2 (without prolink) issue goes away. Any ideas what the problem is? Its annoying. Have sent hpt MULTIPLE files thru a support ticket and have gotten no where....

    Any insight will be helpful!

  2. #2
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Hey! I noticed you're having similar issues with the MPVI3+ freezing in VCM Scanner. I’ve experienced the same thing, but I found that reducing the number of PIDs I was logging helped improve stability. Have you had a chance to figure out anything on your end? It might be worth trying to limit the PIDs and see if that makes a difference for you too.

  3. #3
    HP Tuners Support
    Bill@HPTuners's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Hailing from Parts Unknown
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan_McD View Post
    Have had this problem on 2 different laptops, one running windows 10 and the other 11. The win11 laptop being used lately with over 90gb of free ram and 3tb of free hd space. Vehicle is my own '97 chevy with 0411 pcm swap.
    The mpvi3+ seems to freeze up in vcm scanner and stops logging oem channels but will continue recording prolink channels. Happens in both the stable and beta suites. When it freezes I have to disconnect from car then reconnect otherwise vcm scanner crashes anyhow. If i swap back to the mpvi2 (without prolink) issue goes away. Any ideas what the problem is? Its annoying. Have sent hpt MULTIPLE files thru a support ticket and have gotten no where....

    Any insight will be helpful!
    I was able to find your ticket and it looks like you are trying to log some 100 or so pids at the same time on a 20 year old ecm. That is going to work less than ideal and there is a very good chance that is your issue. Try logging just a few(5 or less pids), if that works bump it to 10, then 15, etc. But logging 100 pids is simply not going to work.
    It doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to be done in two weeks...

    A wise man once said "google it"