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Thread: Torque Management issue

  1. #1
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Jul 2023

    Torque Management issue

    I'm having a issue torque management pulling timing while cruising sometimes even no throttle. It's also no pulling timing on shifts even after I bumped the shift retard values, I'm thinking there's a table I'm overlooking that has been zeroed out. Currently tuning speed density. TIA
    p59 computer
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  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner
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    Zero your TM Normal Transmission table.
    I would set DTC 101-103 to fail on 1st error, in order to tune in VE/SD.
    *** Save your current channels list 1st. then...
    Get rid of the useless channels you are logging. IAC is not applicable to DBW so it is wasting bandwidth. Try to stay within 25 channels for accurate data.
    Remove oil pressure (unless you feel it is an issue), Throttle desired position, throttle voltage, the other TPS% (non-SAE), Mass airflow and Hz if tuning VE/SD.
    Delete idle smoothing, idle STIT until your base VE table is corrected then you can go back and add channels for idle tuning.

    You should ADD: Accelerator pedal, current gear, TPS% (SAE only), Injector pulse width average; only 1bank is needed to get DC% in the chart v time, idle Cracker airflow. Go back with the stock MBT table.
    You did a good job grouping the channels, but you need to update the list.
    *** Save your current channels list 1st. It can be frustrating to loose a channels list or layouts you put together and forgot to save.
    Hope this solves your issue and you have fun.
    Stay tuned..
    Last edited by Hondaeater; 3 Weeks Ago at 12:32 AM.

  3. #3
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Jul 2023
    Thanks, ill take that advice, one question though. I thought zeroing out the torque management normal on the transmission side would stop torque management during shifts as well, right?

  4. #4
    Advanced Tuner abc's Avatar
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    I'm thinking there may be something else going on but yes, zeroing out the TM for the transmission will stop TM during a shift. I wouldn't zero it out, cut it in half for now and see if there is a change.

  5. #5
    Tuner in Training
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    Jul 2023
    Also i haven't touched the mbt table when i compared it to my stock file. Is there table out there I should copy data from?

  6. #6
    Advanced Tuner
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    I had a Silverado 12592618 pulled up and saw the MBT difference. If MBT is same as your virgin stock file and unmolested, use it of course.

    I thought you have TM showing up, then 0 the transmission table and see if you still have it.
    Identifying where is the TM generating from, something else may be the root cause....

    Some P59 have the table 0 by GM. Only in Performance tow/haul table has values.
    I only have 2 12592618 files to compare and both do not have the TM in that Normal table.
    2005 Sierra 12606961 is another OS and it has 0 too.
    2006 Silverado 12587811 nothing in TM normal.
    Maybe try 0 that and see if that solves the reporting issue.

    Have fun and stay tuned.