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Thread: Stock 3.6 RWD Challenger to 3.6 AWD Charger - 845RE

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Jul 2024

    Stock 3.6 RWD Challenger to 3.6 AWD Charger - 845RE

    Hey all, I was just wondering if it would be safe to copy the stock trans tune from a 2017 3.6 Challenger RWD (from the repo) to my 2017 3.6 AWD Charger? They have identical drivetrains 3.6 Pentastar and ZF-8/845RE, with exception to the BW 44-40 transfer case on my charger, obviously. The Challenger appears to have all the 4WD settings setup in the trans tune but I wanted to get some input before I tested it out because the ZF-8 is super complicated from what I've read. I've tested out the chally's engine tune already and it runs excellent.

    If anyone wants to see the tune files, just let me know and I can post mine. The 2017 3.6 Challenger is on the repo already.

    Any assistance for the tuning novice is greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner
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    Aug 2021
    Indianapolis Area
    It should be fine...

    Post both tunes over here. I can take a look at them

  3. #3
    Potential Tuner
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    Jul 2024
    Quote Originally Posted by DodgeBoy_8HP View Post
    It should be fine...

    Post both tunes over here. I can take a look at them
    Thanks man, I really appreciate it.

    17 Charger AWD
    17 Challenger RWD

  4. #4
    Advanced Tuner
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    Indianapolis Area
    It should be "ok" to copy tranny tune.

    Keep an eye on:
    - Shift scheduling -> shift pattern
    - torque converter -> apply/release -> pattern map
    - torque converter -> apply/release -> tcc mapping
    - torque management ->forced torque intervention

    Other than the point above, it should be fine.


  5. #5
    Potential Tuner
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    Jul 2024
    Thanks for taking a look! By "keep an eye on" do you mean it's fine to try it out as is then adjust it if it feels off or that I should probably have those settings adjusted beforehand?

    Sorry to bother you but I'm brand new to transmission tuning and don't want to damage it. My goal is to get the transmission to be a little more responsive without sacrificing reliability, or with very little loss to reliability. Optimize it, so to say haha. I figured pairing a stock Challenger tune (engine and trans) would be a safe way to get more out of it without losing reliability.

    Thanks again.

  6. #6
    Advanced Tuner
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    Aug 2021
    Indianapolis Area
    As it is quite different, depending on modes you have available, some shift schedules either will not work correctly or will have "crazy" tune.

    Same idea for TCC.

    - Either, copy all and re-adjust shift schedules and TCC
    - Or, skip the ones I listed and re-adjust as needed