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Thread: No Injector Pulse After 5.3 Swap - VATS?

  1. #21
    Tuning Addict edcmat-l1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gtstorey View Post
    I've always heard that using starter fluid to check for spark wasn't a good test anyway and it can light off on compression only.
    I don't think it will in a mild street gas engine. On a diesel it's a big no-no.

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  2. #22
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    Yeah it kills me seeing people do that. It happens a lot. Then they wonder why it "gets addicted to the spray". Well gee you bent the rods and lost compression. Supposed to use WD-40 on a diesel.

  3. #23
    Tuning Addict edcmat-l1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiriusC1024 View Post
    Yeah it kills me seeing people do that. It happens a lot. Then they wonder why it "gets addicted to the spray". Well gee you bent the rods and lost compression. Supposed to use WD-40 on a diesel.
    Yeah that or a rag soaked in gas. I've done that many times. Just get it to pop and they usually take off.

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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by gtstorey View Post
    I've always heard that using starter fluid to check for spark wasn't a good test anyway and it can light off on compression only.
    I've seen people catch themselves on fire with a backfire through the intake using it. Also using it to get a newly mounted tire to seat on the bead.

  5. #25
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    I don't know why they even still make starting fluid, they should just put the good flammable kind of brake cleaner in those cans and call it starting fluid.

    Also a better wasp killer than anything you can get off the pest control aisle at Lowe's.
    Quote Originally Posted by SiriusC1024 View Post
    I think they're junkyard rebuilds.

  6. #26
    Tuning Addict edcmat-l1's Avatar
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    Love me some old school flammable brake clean.

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  7. #27
    Advanced Tuner abc's Avatar
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    Imagine my surprise when I found out they replaced all the brake clean in the local auto store with non-flammable. I asked the wife to stop and buy a can of brake clean and run it out to me in the field along with the two gallon can of fuel. I had ran out of fuel in the tractor and it's much less of a pain to prime the system while starting it on brake clean. It took me about one min. to realize I have been sabotaged, Darn Tree Huggers!

  8. #28
    Tuning Addict edcmat-l1's Avatar
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    Autozone house brand. Now it's "Shop Pro". Flammable as all hell. As Squirrel said it's great wasp repellent. I had to blow torch a Cicada killer hive in my front yard. Thought the neighbors were gonna call the cops on me LOL

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  9. #29
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    Oh no, you don't have to use fire for it to kill ALL the wasps. You don't even have to hit them with a direct stream, if they fly through a light mist of the stuff they fall right out of the air. Even considering what happens to me when I get stung by one of those bastards I get an unhealthy amount of pleasure from watching them die.
    Quote Originally Posted by SiriusC1024 View Post
    I think they're junkyard rebuilds.

  10. #30
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    Fired it up one more time tonight to get the coolant topped off and ran great again. I originally assumed the sensor was good. The block is out of one of my other trucks and I left the sensor in it. Old one failed before swapping that truck, and the new sensor had maybe 2-3 cranks on it before I pulled the motor out. But the motor sat almost a year before I tore it down for this build so who knows. Denso unit.

    Will absolutely do the crank relearn once I swap my new fuel pump in. My whole goal here was to hear it run and make sure all was good before the final stages of the project.

    The truck did still fail to start with that table corrected. Tried 2-3 times. But please I do want to be very clear that in every way shape or form I am not trying to discredit that, and I highly appreciate you guys bringing up my mistake on the tune file. Hell if I knew more I wouldn't be asking the smarter folks here. Y'all know way more about tuning than me but I'm just simply stating what was happening. Thank you guys very much.

    I'm sure I will be back when it is time to dial in the boost lol

  11. #31
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    Let's see the tune with the corrected VE table to see if you did it right.

  12. #32
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    Here is the file with the corrected VE. Mind it is a starting point and have not made additional changes for boost yet. But I do believe it is on the correct path now

    Base Startup.hpt

  13. #33
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    That is much better as a starting point. You will probably need to bump up those really high map regions if you plan on really making that much boost.

  14. #34
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    Cool I will keep that in mind as I finish up the build thank you for taking a look. This is my first SD tune on a boosted 5.3 and part of the reason I did this is to learn myself on turbo tuning. My current goal is to start out at 6psi, get dialed in, and go from there

  15. #35
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    Yeah but that looks like Deka 80 injectors and Ford-GM converted data, correct? For boost there should be a vacuum-reference FPR. Data is setup for non-referenced.

    Here's the updated FIC Deka 80 data. With a reference reg, use the 0kpa column values for all other columns of IFR and Offset.

  16. #36
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    Yes correct that is the converted data I've taken from an older previous build. Thank you for pointing that out to me. I will get my file adjusted to the updated data