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Thread: 10 camaro A6 F35 cam in gear surge

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
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    Mar 2024

    10 camaro A6 F35 cam in gear surge

    Just installed a F35 cam in a A6 camaro. 4200 stall converter Stock intake throttle body, 60lb injectors. Seems to idle fine but when in gear surges just like an old school blower car. Take back out of gear into park and will die if don't give it some throttle. Thoughts on base running air flow need to increase another 10-15%? Tunes and log attached10 camaro a6 f35 cam first start up surge in gear.hpl[ATTACH]153939[/ATTACH
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  2. #2
    Senior Tuner edcmat-l1's Avatar
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    There's a lot to dissect with this one.

    First, your injector data isn't correct. Look at the screen shot. Your trims are pulling 15% and your narrowband is 900mv.

    Second, your spark tables are absolutely butchered. Idle control can't pull it any lower than 12 degrees as evidenced by the spark flatline. And it can't add any more than 12 degrees because it again flatlines at 24 degrees.

    2010 high octane table.jpg

    The reason it can't add any more is because you capped it with the high octane table. WTF is this all about?

    2010 high octane table.jpg

    The VVE isn't anywhere close to right. Numerically way over rich down low.

    2010 VVE.jpg

    No, adding to your BRAF is not the answer. You have a lot to fix.

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  3. #3
    Potential Tuner
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    Thanks for the Reply,
    The injectors are HPI60lb i have reached out to them and i am not a fan with no support on their injector data. I have a set of FIC injectors coming this week and will repost once i get them in and going. The Idle and high octane timing tables i put back to stock and added 4 degrees at idle. Stock is 13 and i don't think this cam will like that. The VVE tables is back to stock and will adjust with wide band.

  4. #4
    Potential Tuner
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    Updated with new injectors making the above adjustments.10 camaro fic injectors.hpl10 camaro a6 f35 cam Fic injectors.hpt

  5. #5
    Senior Tuner
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    Quote Originally Posted by albertmoto5 View Post
    Thanks for the Reply,
    The injectors are HPI60lb i have reached out to them and i am not a fan with no support on their injector data. I have a set of FIC injectors coming this week and will repost once i get them in and going. The Idle and high octane timing tables i put back to stock and added 4 degrees at idle. Stock is 13 and i don't think this cam will like that. The VVE tables is back to stock and will adjust with wide band.
    Use the fuel trims (o2's) to make adjustments for fueling for low and mid throttle. Use Wideband for WOT only.

  6. #6
    Senior Tuner
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    Quote Originally Posted by LS ROB View Post
    Use the fuel trims (o2's) to make adjustments for fueling for low and mid throttle. Use Wideband for WOT only.
    That cam is large enough a wideband should be used for all of it. There is a reasonable chance fuel trims will never work on that.
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  7. #7
    Senior Tuner
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    Good catch Alvin. OP, I stand corrected.. Use the WB.