How many 2021 and up vehicles have you tuned? I think these tables were added to all 2021 and up GPEC2A operating systems (maybe earlier than 2021, not sure?), as even my daughter's 2023 V6 Challenger GT has them.
I didn't load the tune you modified because a flat 22.5* of spark advance across the entire part throttle table will definitely cause more than 4* of KR with my setup, and it would happen as soon as I gave it any throttle. Any kind of light acceleration easily brings me up to 0.6g aircharge and 1.0 PRatio. I'm often cruising in the 0.50 - 0.70 PRatio range just driving around town. Even a semi-aggressive PT stab will bring my aircharge up to 0.9g - 1.0g ... Plus the thresholds were still set to zero in your suggested tune, so it wouldn't have entered HO mode even if capable.
I did load the tune I created though, and it definitely did something strange. The throttle felt spongy and down on power. When I look at the log though, it's tough to tell what tables it was accessing. I get why your approach was to set the PT and WOT tables to a flat number across the entire table and zero out the hot and cold spark tables ... to make it easier to see in the log ... but that much timing will absolutely cause knock retard for me. I need the tables to still be contoured, but different enough between HO and Base to easily see which it is accessing, when.
Here's the log from my file. During the higher aircharge values, it does go above the value set in the HO table, which makes me think it's not accessing them at that time ... but the way the throttle felt tells me it was definitely doing something different. It's too bad there isn't a channel I can log to show if HO mode is active or not.
HO Spark Test File:
Base file:
If you load the Base file, and then compare it to my HO Spark Test file ... you'll see the only thing I changed was the HO spark tables and the High Octane threshold values. Because of how the throttle felt, I think either it was referencing the HO tables at some points or ... HPT has some tables mis-labeled again ... like the MBT or something?