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Thread: Gen 1 Coyote Truck Engine in Gen 1 Car

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
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    Mar 2019

    Gen 1 Coyote Truck Engine in Gen 1 Car

    Hello, I've recently swapped a 2013 F150 engine into a 2014 Mustang. The car is a FSFD1AA operating system and the truck is a KTCR5C6. I planned to copy over all of the information from the Engine portion of the truck stock tune to the car PCM, but it looks like there are several parameters that one uses but the other does not. The vehicle seemingly runs fine, but I am under the belief that the truck cams are vastly different from the car and I need to get all of the VCT/Airflow/Timing maps switched over.

    What are some options to do this or is it even necessary?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Cyprus to Worldwide
    Mechanically both engines are not the same, therefor the tune is not the same, what tables did you miss?
    Simple... Successful... Intelligent...

  3. #3
    Advanced Tuner
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    Mar 2019
    Gen 1 cams are same firing order and shouldn't cause issues with it running. My understanding is the engines are just about identical other than a little compression and some aesthetics. How does it drive?

  4. #4
    Potential Tuner
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    Mar 2019
    The car seemingly drives fine cruising, but haven't tried any WOT yet as I'm unsure if the cam phasing is correct. I'll start listing some major tune differences and see if anyone can chime in on any of them.

    Not cam related, but the first is Torque Decel Switch. My understanding is this is just two different methods of IAC control. Are there any major benefits or drawbacks to running Torque Based Decel instead of Dashpot or are they just two different methods that ultimately do the same thing?

    The next difference I notice that I don't understand is MAF Airflow Vs. Period. MAF Airflow Vs. Voltage is exactly the same on both, but MAF airflow Vs. Period is different. Are these different because they are measured a different way? Excuse my ignorance as I've only ever seen MAF used with voltage. I am using all the car MAF physical configuration so I don't think I need to change this but would like to understand it better.

    Moving over to the main part of the questions, the Car has tables for Exhaust Max/Intake Max (29573/29571) and the truck does not. Is this just setting a limit on the calculation that matches a physical hardstop? Do trucks engines have the hardstop?

    In Intake/Exhaust Cam Feed Forward DC (38212/38213/38214/38215) there are minute differences from -.005 to -.010 in the negative areas of the intake came and lots of differences in the exhaust cam parameters from .020 to -.020. Is this the part of the tune that accounts for the physically different cams and then you can just phase them wherever you'd like if this is changed?

    The next major issue I see is that the car has different resolution in "Max Phasing Limit RPM" (38165). One makes steps from 1000/1500/1750/2000/2500/6000 while the other makes steps from 1000/2000/3000/4000/4500/5000. Can you simply edit the row axis on this platform?

    Optimum power is very different between the two calibrations and OP is disabled on the truck calibration, but it is entirely filled out. Is it safe to assume this is correct information and you should just enable OP mode with the truck calibration? It seems like they use MP11 for WOT instead.

    That is all I have time for tonight, but will update with other possible differences tomorrow.

  5. #5
    Advanced Tuner
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    Mar 2019
    Cams and phasers are the same on gen 1 engines. You can verify with a part number lookup. Tuning is different to account for the different vehicle weight and use case.

  6. #6
    Potential Tuner
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    Mar 2019
    If that's true, that simplifies things a ton. What website are you using to find stock part numbers?

  7. #7
    Advanced Tuner
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    Mar 2019
    You can use whatever ford parts website, they all work off the same catalog. Tasca is what I typically use.