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Thread: 6L80E experts?

  1. #1
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    6L80E experts?

    I built this truck for my brother over the last 6 months and really need to get it back to him next weekend. The engine tuning is essentially done and I've begun playing with the transmission. I only started learning/researching the transmission since yesterday. It drives excellent.....I just don't know what to look for in the logs to see if anything stands out as far as transmission goes. Not sure how accurate the GM fuel economy display in the DIC is once the truck has been heavily modified but after a 43.5 mile light cruise (I use cruise control all the time) it read 21 mpg. Pretty good for a 700+hp 1/2 ton pickup. Thanks

  2. #2
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    ughhh.....can't get the log to load on here.

  3. #3
    Senior Tuner TheMechanic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Log aint' what we need. You need the tune file. Since you didn't supply it use Bluecat and disable lockup exept for 5 and 6

  4. #4
    Tuner in Training
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    Jul 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMechanic View Post
    Log aint' what we need. You need the tune file. Since you didn't supply it use Bluecat and disable lockup except for 5 and 6
    I had used Bluecat, that's where I started. I allowed TCC 3rd and up (since changed to 4th but haven't driven it yet) zero'd TCC slip everywhere, decreased shift time 20% and programmed TUTD to auto shift. Another change I made but haven't driven it yet is I changed the shift to 6th mph....I found that it was in a funky spot in that where the truck is mainly driven it's a lot of 45-55 mph zones and Bluecat had it upshift to 6th at 54 mph and I wanted it to be more 49/50 mph so I edited that.....I moved the upshift to 5th half as much to keep spacing relatively the same. I also edited the TCC apply/release the same MPH in those same low TPS cells. I think that sums it up. I'm just clueless about TCC slip and whatever else. I also need to recheck fluid level once hot. I live in a relatively cold climate so it takes some driving to get heat in it.
    Well I suppose that proves my ignorance. I assumed seeing what the trans/converter are doing would allow you to see if the converter/clutch are behaving as they should. Not sure if there is a way to post just the TCM tune vs the ECU/TCM tunes. Thank you.SB current tune.hptSB current tune.hpt

  5. #5
    Senior Tuner TheMechanic's Avatar
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    Jan 2014
    Careful of putting to much pressure to take care of TCC slip. You are going to get some. That's just the way it is. Your call on TCC for 4th gear. On a stock TC I only lock in 5-6. Unlock on about 50% throttle or higher and no lock on WOT. That's just me. If you have a triple disc high stall that's a different animal. Then you can do earlier lockup. I have seen some knock timing issues with locking up early at lower rpm so during test drive lug the motor and log knock to see if you are getting any that need correction.