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Thread: Mustang 4.6L OS compatibility chart?

  1. #1

    Mustang 4.6L OS compatibility chart?

    Hey all,

    Curious if there's a published compatibility chart for the early 2000's 4.6L Spanish Oak ECU's, specifically the operating systems. I have an issue I'm trying to run down that doesn't seem to make sense and I want to reflash to a different OS, or find and ECU with a different OS where I can try to rectify the issue. The current ECU that I have has OS FBLF152 and I believe is giving some erroneous torque calculations. I'd like to try another OS but I don't know what other OS could work on this ECU. I have more experience with the GM world where swapping OS's is more of a thing on certain model ECU's. Let me know if such a thing exists.


  2. #2
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Oct 2024
    Aren't all the 2005+ ECUs supported? Everything works just fine with my 2006. Look into Forscan if you're trying to factory flash.

  3. #3
    Advanced Tuner
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Rather than saying "early 2000s" can you give an actual year, model and engine? It will make it easier to help you. There was no "early 2000s" spanish oak, first one was 2005.

    I assume it is a 2006 GT based on that strategy number. This tune should work: STOCK TUNE VERY IMPORTANT.hpt

    Probably the better way to go about this is do your own torque table tuning. Why do you believe the torque tables are off? Have you logged torque error?