I'm not offended at all. I get a kick out of guys like you trying to come on here and sound smart. The more you say the dumber you sound.Sorry, I guess I've offended you guys and I really didn't mean to. I'm very far from trying to say that I'm any smarter than you and especially to say that I understand these systems as well. But I do understand electronics, hydraulics, and a few other things and I get your point about the impedance. I haven't measured it either. However, I do not think the ECM has any more than 14 volts or so to drive those DI injectors unless they have done some very fancy things with the power supply. By logic, over-voltage really should not be an issue. Regardless of how much amperage is available to use, 14 volts is not going to burn out a port injector. You probably can hook it across a car battery and go away until the battery runs down and most likely the injector will still be just fine, though I can't say I've done that. It shouldn't even be a concern unless they have somehow doubled or tripled the voltage being delivered to the coils in the injectors.
Now Squirrel, this is interesting. I'm not blindly tied to the 2015 CTSV-Sport if something else will work better, and as near as I have been able to discover, the Sport used the Aisin 8 speed between 2014 and 2017 and was the only GM to do so. (Hopefully that is correct but I don't know how I can verify it.) If that means that the Sport and the V both used the E92 perhaps the config for the V's V8 could be used with the config for the Sport's TCM and work it that way. Still have the DI issue to solve but it tidies up a few things otherwise. Alternatively, if perchance the Sport began using DI in 2015 but had the Aisin 8 speed in 2014 the obvious solution becomes clear. Use the 2014 ecm. But no, it looks like RockAuto lists the same number as the 2015 so I guess that option is out.
So back to the DI. Possibly a good question at this point would be to ask if the DI injectors operate in the usual saturation mode, or if they function in the peak-and-hold mode? I recall as we went to ever larger injectors that there came a point where the only way to get enough fuel was either to fit each cylinder with dual injectors or to use the peak-and-hold- method to open the injectors more quickly, thereby increasing their flow by reducing opening delay. And then of course they began making better injectors. The ECM should have more than adequate current capacity to run the port injectors in either case I would think, although I am not aware of anybody trying to run the old injectors off a P&H driver. Because why would they, right?
And yes, most likely the parameters will be majorly whacked. But let's not lose sight of the fact that what the ECM does in a very complicated way is turn a set of injectors on and off. We used to feed a more or less steady stream of gas into the engine and that was purely mechanical. The job hasn't changed all that much, we've just made the controls a lot more complicated. As a result it can do a lot more things but it really does not have to do all of it, or do it perfectly. And when you get into it a lot of what the ECM does can simply be turned off using the switches that HPT has access to. I'm not trying in any way to imply all this would be easy, just that it should not be impossible. It seems to me that the chore with EFI is not so much to get the injector to deliver fuel so that the engine will start and run, as it is to bring all of the configuration and tuning parameters into such a state of harmony relative to each other that there is adequate range for tuning for all the different engine conditions. But at the same time here's a hypothetical. Suppose the injector flow is off a little. It's still possible to raise or lower the fuel map to compensate. That'll probably also throw off other functions like enrichment or warmup, but you see my point? Just because it isn't exactly "right" doesn't necessarily mean it won't work. There are a whole host of ways to influence fuel delivery and the ECM has no real clue what any of them are. It just sees numbers. The main thing is to not fall into a GIGO trap.