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Thread: Credits needed and Which section to read up on (Mix matched Gen)

  1. #1
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Sep 2021

    Credits needed and Which section to read up on (Mix matched Gen)

    I have a late 2019 Gen V 5.3, L82 out of a Silverado Trail Boss, now 6L80 2wd.

    I now have a wiring harness for the engine and a E92 ECM/PCM not the E90

    How many credits will I need for the Direct injection 5.3 running off a E92 6L802wd?

    Do I still refer to the Gen V section for posts and info?


  2. #2
    Tuning Addict 5FDP's Avatar
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    Rogers, MN
    Depends, what year E92 did you buy?

    The 2014-2016 E92's are only 2 credits. If it's a 2017+ E92, those calibrations cost 4 credits.
    2016 Silverado CCSB 5.3/6L80e, not as slow but still heavy.

    If you don't post your tune and logs when you have questions you aren't helping yourself.

  3. #3
    Tuner in Training
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    Sep 2021
    I'll look into it. I know it it's also going to control the TCM for the 6L80

  4. #4
    Tuning Addict 5FDP's Avatar
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    Just remember that the PCM and TCM calibration need to be matching. So whatever combo this ends up being it will require that the PCM/TCM is flashed with the same VIN/Calibration so that they talk to each other correctly.

    And only a GM tool can do that. HP Tuners can not do that flash, it can only be used once the files are on the computer.
    2016 Silverado CCSB 5.3/6L80e, not as slow but still heavy.

    If you don't post your tune and logs when you have questions you aren't helping yourself.

  5. #5
    Tuner in Training
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    Sep 2021
    So if I change the transmission in my street rod, i need to take it to the dealer or someone with a GM tool?

  6. #6
    HP Tuners Support
    Bill@HPTuners's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tectactical View Post
    So if I change the transmission in my street rod, i need to take it to the dealer or someone with a GM tool?
    Its really not a yes or no answer. I would recommend reading the ecm/tcm if you ever hypothetically change the transmission in your street rod, ultimately that will determine the next steps.
    You can open a support ticket here