why do my 2 pcms have different tuning tables they are both out of 97 rs camaros made 6 days apart
why do my 2 pcms have different tuning tables they are both out of 97 rs camaros made 6 days apart
Same operating systems?
how would i find out
Post the files. But how do you know they have never been changed/tuned? Or maybe there was an update performed by a dealer along the way on one but not the other. And are they identical cars? Quite a few reasons why they are different. Probably even possible there was a production change when the ECM's were originally manufactured/programmed. Just because the cars were built 6 days apart doesn't mean the ECM's were.
both pcms have been tuned
I guess you mean why does it have different tables available to edit vs different data in tables then.
like in the fuel oxygen sensor table is the first one i spotted and the other on is the cutoff dcfo table. i had to look the tunes on 2 different windows to find them
The 2 tunes you posted are for an auto and a manual, its why the OS is different.
Looking at the shift tables on the second OS and you will see that they are zero, Its for a manual trans 3.8.
The different tables are just what HP tuners has defined on there software, I assume you are wondering why they arent there on the other OS.
Different addresses between the OS are not defined in the auto trans file.
Its not to say that those missing tables arent there in the auto, HP tuners doesnt have those defined addresses for that the OS.
You could add them in if you know where they are in the OS.
Beginners Guide to User Defined Parameters using Tiny Tuners Database
did some more digging and each one had a different software software version. auto vs manual and rwd vsfwd pcms are the same pcm number
these ecm's use a single segment binary, there are literally thousands if not tens of thousands of different operating systems. My own personal grand prix GTP had some 7 different available operating systems for it. Its mainly because of the architecture they used on these ecm's. PN's of the ecm really doesn't mean anything when it comes to these applications.
You can open a support ticket here https://support.hptuners.com/