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Thread: Starter file for 10r80 tuning

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2023

    Starter file for 10r80 tuning

    Merry Christmas all.

    A little "gift" if you will. This is a very basic transmission only starter tune, built off a 20 F150 3.5EB.

    This is transmission only. If your just an average Joe who wants to get rid of skip shifting and have a transmission that behaves how it should have from Ford, this is the file for you. If your looking for a crazy snappy performance transmission set up, this isn't for you.

    Take the shift scheduling and apply it to your file. Tune the TCC to your liking, I personally like the Ford TCC tuning as is when combined with my updated upshift scheduling.

    I'm pretty confident that the upshift scheduling can't get much better for a daily driver, been tweaking this for a couple years now. Works for 99 percent of daily driver type people. Downshifting is still fairly conservative down low and basically stock under heavier loads.

    No, this is not an invitation to take a look at your tune for free and apply some changes. This is just for those getting started who need some direction. If you want more, you gotta pay to play. Lol


    Trans Only.hpt

  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner
    Join Date
    Aug 2023
    What do you feel is the benefit of not having skip shifts?
    Robert Moreau
    Technical Sales and Marketing Support Specialist
    2621 Merced Avenue El Monte, CA 91733 USA
    Calibration | Innovation |Performance

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2023
    For me its just preference. Some of my customers like to leave it which is fine too, but on those Ill keep the TCC from locking until 5th gear. But removing it on the up shifts allows me to have a more even spread of ratio throughout the power band. Plug my shift schedule into the 10r80 Excel file thats floating around and you can see a good visual representation of what I mean. Prevents lugging in town and at lower cruising speed. 1-3 isnt too bad and I?ll sometimes leave it.

    Ford has eliminated the 3-5 and 4-6 shift on all their newer calibrations and even eliminated 1-3 on throttle application over about 20 percent. The Powerboost platform has an even narrower band of 1-3 skip shifting with no other upshifts skipped. GM uses all 10 all the time in their 10l80. Would love to speak with a Ford engineer to see why their early calibrations skipped so much but the new calibrations rarely do.

  4. #4
    Advanced Tuner
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    Aug 2023
    Most of what is done at the engineering level these days is driven by the need to reduce emissions to try and meet government regulations that keeps on getting more strict. Not skipping shifts and lock-up in lower gears help with that, so many car manufacturer's engineer are going away from the skip shift.

    Problem is that the more often it shifts, the sooner things wear out. Being on the repair side of thing I am always more focus on durability, so I personally much prefer skip shifts as long as it is done right.

    But for fuel economy, low emission and some performance applications where you want to keep the engine in just the sweat spot as much as possible then yea, the more shifts the better, as close to a CVT as you can get.
    Robert Moreau
    Technical Sales and Marketing Support Specialist
    2621 Merced Avenue El Monte, CA 91733 USA
    Calibration | Innovation |Performance

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2023
    Agreed for sure!