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Thread: Disassembling an obd1 bin

  1. #1
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Disassembling an obd1 bin

    To disassemble a hc11 bin file you must first get a disassembler.

    There are two kinds you can get. The first is a straight disassembler. This kind looks at the next byte determines the op code; writes the op code and cursory bytes, and then goes to the next byte. This type of diassembler is not worried about the program only the next byte. It will diassembler anything but it may look like total nonsense. Tunercat is an example of this type of disassembler.

    The second type of disassembler is code seeking. It follows the code through the bin and disassembles the program that will be run. This type of disassembler will error if it gets an illegal op code mostly because it gets confused. Examples of these are the Dewtronics Disassembler and DHC11.

    Personally I use DHC11. It has a few issues but for the most part it works as it should.

    Code seeking disassemblers require control files. A control file is a text file that tells the disassembler what to do. In its simpliest form the control file is just an input and output statement. It may look like this:

    ; This control file is called tpi
    input 8d_1.bin ;this is the binary input file
    output 8d_1.DIS ;this is the disassembly source/listing file

    The attached file 8d_1 dis was created with this file.

    If you look at the very end of the file 8d_1.dis you find the following:

    F171 fill $00, 3709
    FFEE db $88, $CD, $60, $00, $B2, $04, $E3, $F5, $60, $00
    FFF8 db $B0, $00, $B0, $00, $B0, $00
    FFFE LFFFE: dw LB000

    This can be rearranged to look like this:

    F171 fill $00, 3709
    FFEE dw $88CD
    FFF8 dw $B000
    FFFE LFFFE: dw LB000

    We can tell from this that there are no more than 9 reset vectors. If we run the program with 9 vectors we will find that it does not disassemble correctly. Next we run it with 8. It will disassemble correctly with 8. The new cotrol file will look like this:

    ; This control file is called tpi
    input 8d_1.bin ;this is the binary input file
    output 8d_2.DIS ;this is the disassembly source/listing file
    vectors $fff0 8 hc11vec hc11vector

    The attached file 8d_2 dis was created with this file.

    At this point we find that the disassembler is telling us that it found an indexed call at $B6BB. Going to $B6BB we find:

    LB6B0 ldaB L0000
    andB #%00001111
    ldX #$B6D8
    ldX 0, X
    call 0, X
    bclr L0039, #%00000100
    LB6C0 ei

    From this piece of code we can see that L0000 (a RAM value) is loaded. Then it is trimmed to be 0-15. Next we load X (our pointer) with the table location (LB6D8). Then we convert B (our 0 - 15 counter) to 0-15 words (double bytes). Next we choose the vector by adding 0-15 words to the pointer. Finally we load the vector from the table and call the subroutine (minor vector).

    If we look at the table location we find:

    LB6D3 ldX #$01C2
    jr LB6C8
    db $CE, $64, $CE, $C5, $D1, $29, $D2, $78, $D1, $69
    db $D2, $85, $E4, $C0, $D5, $14, $D5, $64, $D5, $CE
    db $D6, $C9, $D8, $1A, $D8, $85, $DA, $04, $DE, $51
    db $E1, $CE, $39
    LB6F9 ldaA L0038
    andA #%00000100

    This area can be rearranged to look like this:

    dw $CE64
    dw $D285
    dw $D6C9
    dw $E1CE
    db $39

    This area contains 16 vectors that correspond with the minor loops of the program. The bin is disassembled again using this control file:

    ; This control file is called tpi
    input 8d_1.bin ;this is the binary input file
    output 8d_1.DIS ;this is the disassembly source/listing file
    vectors $fff0 8 hc11vec hc11vector
    vectors $b6d8 16 minorloop minorloop

    The attached file 8d_3 dis was created with this file.

    At this point we have all of the code disassembled. I will post more as I get a bit more time.



  2. #2
    HP Tuners Owner Keith@HPTuners's Avatar
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    Chicago, IL

    Re: Disassembling an obd1 bin

    This is some very good info.

    I'm going to move it to the OBD-I Flash file hacking though. Seems a little more programming based rather than hardware based yea?

    I'll IM ya... again.
    We got this guy Not Sure, ...

  3. #3
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Re: Disassembling an obd1 bin

    Sorry so long....

    Ok. So now you have taken your bin and completely disassembled it going through all of the non-disassembled parts and checking that each is cal and not code. What you end up with now that you have a completed disassembly is still far from telling you much about where the fuel and spark tables you want to change are. The next thing you need to do is start the process of assigning names to the various RAM values that are used to index the various tables, and derive the various outputs.

    The easiest way to start this process is by using the ALDL data stream parameters. Basically you want to find where and more importantly what locations are accessed to provide information to the scantool. By finding the location accessed to export the RPM value for instance you can find where the code goes to find RPM.

    Finding this information is not as difficult as it sounds. For the P4 processor we are currently working with we know that the following locations are reserved:

    $4007 Transmit status register
    $4008 Receive status register
    $4009 Receive data register
    $400A Transmit data register

    For the HC11 the SCI regesters are defined in the Pink Book.

    Searching through our code for 4009 (receive data) we find:

    LEA25: ldaB L4008
    ldaA L4009
    ldX L014C
    clr L019E
    bitB #%00001110
    bne LEAAD
    addB L014B
    staB L014B
    ldaB L014A
    bne LEA5F
    ldX #$8882
    LEA44 cmpA 2, X
    beq LEA4E
    ldX 0, X
    bne LEA44
    jr LEAAD
    LEA4E cmpA #$F4
    bne LEA55
    bset L0038, #%00100000
    LEA55 stX L014C
    ldaA #$25
    staA L4007
    jr LEAA2
    LEA5F decB
    bne LEA6B
    subA #$55
    bcs LEAAD
    staA L019D
    jr LEAA2
    LEA6B decB
    cmpB L019D
    bcc LEAA8
    bne LEA9D
    brclr L0038, #%00100000, LEA9D
    ldX #$8978
    cmpA #$0A
    bhi LEAAD
    beq LEA98
    cmpA #$07
    bhi LEAAD
    beq LEA94
    cmpA #$04
    bhi LEAAD
    ldX 0, X
    jr LEA9A

    Here we are receiving data. Once we get past comparing to $F4 for device ID and subtracting $55 for message length then you should notice that we are being referred to a table of locations which starts at L8978by the following:

    ldX #$8978

    Looking at L8978 we find:

    db $01, $4E, $01, $4E, $00, $00, $F4, $80, $80, $01
    db $4E, $01, $4E, $88, $BB, $88, $C4, $89, $4B, $89
    db $54, $89, $5D, $89, $66, $89, $6F
    L8986: dw $FFFF
    L8988: fill $00, 9848

    The part we need to look at is better shown by:

    L8978 dw $88BB; MODE 0
    $88C4; MODE 1
    $894B; MODE 2
    $8954; MODE 3
    $895D; MODE 4
    $8966; MODE 7
    $896F; MODE 10

  4. #4
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Re: Disassembling an obd1 bin

    Looking at L88C4 we find(I already counted to the correct place and formated the data):

    L88C4 db $F4
    db $80
    db $40
    dw $014E
    dw $014E
    dw $8000
    dw $8001
    dw $0004
    dw $0005
    dw $0006
    dw $0007
    dw $0008
    dw $005F
    dw $0060
    dw $0094
    dw $0058
    dw $30B3
    dw $30B4
    dw $0081
    dw $0003
    dw $0140
    dw $008E
    dw $00FC
    dw $00E8
    dw $00E0
    dw $00DF
    dw $00EB
    dw $002B
    dw $0095
    dw $0112
    dw $0075
    dw $0030
    dw $0033
    dw $0002
    dw $013C
    dw $0123
    dw $0125
    dw $0041
    dw $0103
    dw $0104
    dw $0043
    dw $002D
    dw $01BD
    dw $3128
    dw $3129
    dw $30BD
    dw $30BE
    dw $00C1
    dw $00C4
    dw $30E4
    dw $30E5
    dw $30F3
    dw $30F4
    dw $3130
    dw $3131
    dw $0134
    dw $3019
    dw $301A
    dw $0038
    dw $004A
    dw $0031
    dw $0037
    dw $0001
    dw $004B
    dw $003E
    dw $003F
    dw $003C
    dw $0047

    This data corresponds with the 64 byte aldl data stream. If you have this for your application then it is as easy saying Prom ID MSB is the first byte of the data stream so that must be located at L8000.

  5. #5
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Re: Disassembling an obd1 bin

    I am including the data stream which I copied from ECMGUY's 8D hack:

    L88C4: FDB $0000 ; NXT MSG ENTRY ADDER
    FDB $8000 ; 1 PROM ID MSB
    FDB $8001 ; 2 PROM ID LSB
    FDB $0004 ; 3 MAL FUNCT WD 1
    ; b7, 1
    ; b6, 1
    ; b5, 1
    ; b4, 1
    ; b3, 1
    ; b2, 1
    ; b1, 1
    ; b0, 1
    FDB $0005 ; 4 MAL FUNCT WD 2
    ; b7, 1
    ; b6, 1
    ; b5, 1
    ; b4, 1
    ; b3, 1
    ; b2, 1
    ; b1, 1
    ; b0, 1
    FDB $0006 ; 5 MAL FUNCT WD 3
    ; b7, 1
    ; b6, 1
    ; b5, 1
    ; b4, 1
    ; b3, 1
    ; b2, 1
    ; b1, 1
    ; b0, 1
    FDB $0007 ; 6 MAL FUNCT WD 4
    ; b7, 1
    ; b6, 1
    ; b5, 1
    ; b4, 1
    ; b3, 1
    ; b2, 1
    ; b1, 1
    ; b0, 1
    FDB $0008 ; 7 MAL FUNCT WD 5
    ; b7, 1
    ; b6, 1
    ; b5, 1
    ; b4, 1
    ; b3, 1
    ; b2, 1
    ; b1, 1
    ; b0, 1
    FDB $005F ; 8. COOLANT TEMP, (DEG C +40) * (256/192)
    FDB $0060 ; 9. TEMP, (DEG C +40) * (256/192)
    FDB $0094 ; 10. A/D TPS
    FDB $0058 ; 11. RPM, RPM/25
    FDB $30B3 ; 12. NEW REF PER + $3000, (65536 * 15)/RPM
    FDB $30B4 ; 13. NEW REF PER + $3001, (65536 * 15)/RPM
    FDB $0081 ; 14. MPH
    FDB $0003 ; 15. FUEL/AIR MODE WD 1
    FDB $0140 ; 16. TRANS RATIO
    FDB $008E ; 17. FILTERED o2 A/D VAL
    FDB $00FC ; 18. ALDL CNT'R
    FDB $00E8 ; 19. COR RCL
    FDB $00E0 ; 20. BLM VALUE
    FDB $00EB ; 22. INT
    FDB $002B ; 23. CURRENT IAC
    FDB $0095 ; 24. TPS, %TPS * 2.56
    FDB $0112 ; 25. RPM/12.5
    FDB $0075 ; 26. MAP A/D VALUE
    FDB $0030 ; 27. SC1 SDI
    FDB $0033 ; 28. FMD SDI
    FDB $0002 ; 29. Non Vol MW1
    FDB $013C ; 30. MAT A/D
    FDB $0123 ; 31. EGR D.C.
    FDB $0125 ; 32. PURGE D.C.
    FDB $0041 ; 33. DIAG MW2
    FDB $0103 ; 34. BATTERY A/D VALUE
    FDB $0104 ; 35. PUMP VDC
    FDB $0043 ; 36. DIAG MW4
    FDB $002D ; 37. CURRENT IAC
    FDB $01BD ; 38. OIL A/D VALUE
    FDB $3128 ; 39. SA (256/90)
    FDB $3129 ; 40. SA
    FDB $30BD ; 41. SA + REF
    FDB $30BE ; 42. SA + REF
    FDB $00C1 ; 43. OLD PA3 CNT
    FDB $00C4 ; 44. KNK RETARD (256/90)
    FDB $30E4 ; 45. INJ, Msec * 65.536
    FDB $30E5 ; 46. INJ, Msec * 65.536
    FDB $30F3 ; 47. AFR, MSB, (445 = 14.7)
    FDB $30F4 ; 48. AFR, LSB
    FDB $3130 ; 49. IP FUEL, Msec * 0.256
    FDB $3131 ; 50. IP FUEL, Msec * 0.256
    FDB $0134 ; 51. ACUM DIST
    FDB $3019 ; 52. TIME, SECONDS, MSB
    FDB $301A ; 53. TIME, SECONDS, LSB
    FDB $0038 ; 54. MW 2
    ; b7, 1
    ; b6, 1
    ; b5, 1
    ; b4, 1
    ; b3, 1
    ; b2, 1
    ; b1, 1
    ; b0, 1
    FDB $004A ; 55. TCC MW
    ; b7, 1
    ; b6, 1
    ; b5, 1
    ; b4, 1
    ; b3, 1
    ; b2, 1
    ; b1, 1
    ; b0, 1
    FDB $0031 ; 56. FMD BYTE 1
    ; b7, 1, A/C CLUTCH 0FF
    ; b6, 1, HEAD PRESS HI
    ; b5
    ; b4
    ; b3, 1, PWR STEER SW, (CRAMP)
    ; b2
    ; b1, 1 = IN 3rd or 4th GR
    ; b0, 1 = Pk/Neut, 0 = Over Drive
    FDB $0037 ; 57. MW 1
    ; b7, 1
    ; b6, 1
    ; b5, 1
    ; b4, 1
    ; b3, 1
    ; b2, 1
    ; b1, 1
    ; b0, 1
    FDB $0001 ; 58. NON VOL MW
    ; b7, 1
    ; b6, 1
    ; b5, 1
    ; b4, 1
    ; b3, 1
    ; b2, 1
    ; b1, 1
    ; b0, 1
    FDB $004B ; 59. CARS MW
    ; b7, 1
    ; b6, 1
    ; b5, 1
    ; b4, 1
    ; b3, 1
    ; b2, 1
    ; b1, 1
    ; b0, 1
    FDB $003E ; 60. CLC MW
    ; b7, 1
    ; b6, 1
    ; b5, 1
    ; b4, 1
    ; b3, 1
    ; b2, 1
    ; b1, 1
    ; b0, 1
    FDB $003F ; 61. AIR MW
    ; b7, 1
    ; b6, 1
    ; b5, 1
    ; b4, 1
    ; b3, 1
    ; b2, 1
    ; b1, 1
    ; b0, 1
    FDB $003C ; 62. LCC PWM
    FDB $0047 ; 63. FUEL/AIR MODE WD 1



  6. #6

    Re: Disassembling an obd1 bin

    coupla questions..

    how would you seperate the code from the cal? since some code looks an awful lot like a 2d table? I assume there is no easy way? Or is every ldx a table?

    and how do you access the ALDL datastream? with what program I should say?
    Business Network Solutions - for all your PC, network, printer and computer security needs.

  7. #7
    Tuner in Training
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    Sep 2002

    Re: Disassembling an obd1 bin

    how would you seperate the code from the cal? since some code looks an awful lot like a 2d table? I assume there is no easy way? Or is every ldx a table?

    Code can only be accessed by vector interupt or by calling a subroutine. LDX can be used to call code by writing something similiar to:

    LDX #$ DDDD
    some intructions
    CALL 0,X

    This would allow you to load a vector table location (the minor loop table is a good example) pull a subroutine location from the table and then execute that subroutine.

    For tables LDX will usaully be followed (or preceded) by LDA that loads the variable by which the table will be looked up. After that the program will jump to a subroutine that does the following (or something like it)

    inc x ; set to first location
    LDB $10 ; sixteen sections of table
    mul ; d = a * b
    ; where a is number of increments and b is the
    ; remainder
    push B ; save remainder
    tab ;
    abx ; add increments to location
    ldd 0,x ; get d from location true value will be
    ; between a and b
    sba ; find difference between values
    pop b ; get remainder from stack
    mul ; scale difference for remainder
    ldb 0,x ; get leading edge of area interpolated from
    aba ; add scaled difference to leading edge
    ; this gives the correct interpolated 2d value
    ; in A

    Once you find this type of routine then every time it is referenced you should find at least 1 table that it interpolates from. You can use what you beleive to be tables to indentify the interpolation routines. Then you can use the interpolation routines to identify tables.

    and how do you access the ALDL datastream? with what program I should say?

    Any scantool will access the data stream. In fact if the aldl protocol is not published then you may want to start with a known scantool to tell you what is in the data stream. Then you can take a program like craig moates' software or gcars and modify it to allow you to see only the bytes with no math performed. Then with the engine off make a change to tps or map voltage and identify which byte changes. Go through each parameter the scantool had data for and identify the byte of the stream. Once you have derived the stream you can plug those names into you disassembly.



  8. #8

    Re: Disassembling an obd1 bin

    if you look at my electronics posts I have a few circuits that will modify MAP or TPS. Those should work wonders.
    I have a datalogger but its for 160 baud but I have the source code so I should be able to change it if needed.

    problem I have is i get PIDs instead of data with the programs I have.. I need to get some of my old stuff out and see if it works different
    Business Network Solutions - for all your PC, network, printer and computer security needs.

  9. #9
    Tuner in Training
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    Sep 2002

    Re: Disassembling an obd1 bin

    Wow, I think thats some really good info. ??? Robo, sorry I haven't wrote to you in a bit. All of these codes, they are obviously for the 68hc11... right. If I print these codes out for my buddy, do you think he can make his adjustments by looking at them?? Would those codes help him be able to ulter my codes when he gets to them???? Please get back to me....

    [email protected]

  10. #10

    Re: Disassembling an obd1 bin

    nope, that wont help your bud... the theory will but the numbers are not for your car. Finding a table, then figuring out its purpose is the main challenge. The 3D tables are easiest to find, then the 2D, and the rest get alot harder.

    Does your friend have a bin file for your car? If so.. I'll trade a cookie for it! ;D
    Business Network Solutions - for all your PC, network, printer and computer security needs.

  11. #11
    Tuner in Training
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    Sep 2002

    Re: Disassembling an obd1 bin

    Actually, I went to a jumk yard and asked them if they had a ecu for the exact yaer and they wanted 125 Canadian for it, and I don't even know if it works.... should I just get a reman. or can I still use that used one even if it doesn't work??? Do you think it is possible to extract the codes from an ecu that may not work??? ???

  12. #12

    Re: Disassembling an obd1 bin

    if the flash is ok, yes.. talk em down to $

    the flash chip is what holds the info.. the rest is a/d converters, drivers, regulators, interface crap and the CPU
    Business Network Solutions - for all your PC, network, printer and computer security needs.

  13. #13
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Disassembling an obd1 bin

    Has anyone made changes to this code to actually add tables to it??? resolution or the such??? Im searching for a code change for the LT1 pcm to handle boost... I know it has been done for the ls1 i believe...