Ill re-write this later with screenshots.
1. Make a Custom PID to add the LTFT's to the STFT's. ([PID.6]+[PID.7], I think)
2. Add that PID to the Tables List
3. Goto Histograms and then click on Settings
4. Make a Histogram and chose that Custom LT+ST PID
5. Click on the right tab and use the Maf Frequency Sensor
6. Insert all of the values listed in HPT Maf Freq table starting at 10417 and going all the way down. Make sure to comma separate each and don't use ANY spaces between the values!!!
7. You will have to split it up into 3 parts at least, it would be easy for you to match it to the spreadsheet and just copy/paste the values from there to cheat lol
8. Then make another Histogram and chose LT+ST PID again
9. In the right tab, this time you want to chose Load and Engine Speed as the sensors to compare to
10. Then input the RPM and Load values from the MAF Correction table (or Copy/Paste from Spreadsheet again)
11. Repeat the process making a 2nd set of Histograms using LTFT alone vs Maf Freq and then STFT alone vs the Maf Corr Table.
How to Tune MAF in stock location:
*Set the entire Maf Correction Table to 1's.
*Unplug the Purge solenoid and flash the car!!
*Warm up the car, drive it a lil until you reach operating temp, then start logging.
*Do a mix of driving between city, highway and pulls, 1 LOG!!!! do not split it up!!!
*Then goto the Histo's for LTFT+STFT vs Maf vs Freq and copy/paste over that table in HPT using Paste Special multiply by %
*Then flash that to the car, warm up and drive
*Log again doing the same method above, you want to try and hit as many load cells as possible and multiple times too
*Then again, copy the Histo data for LTFT+STFT vs Maf vs Freq and do paste special multiply by 1/2% this time
*Flash, warm up, drive, log. The LTFT should have settled into +/-1% by now
*Now using the STFT vs Maf Correction Histo after a long drive again, select the whole table and paste special by 1/2% over the MAF Correction tables.
*You may or may not need to do this twice but after this step the LT should be +/-1% and the ST's should be under 3-4% at anytime.
*After the trims are stable plug the Purge Solenoid back in!
Everything at that point should be pretty close when you look at those histo's. If a cell or 2 is 3-4% or higher, just do paste special by 1/2 with those cells and repeat the flash/log process.
How to tune the MAF in the lower charge pipe:
*Set the entire Maf Correction Table to 1's.
*Flash the car and unplug the purge solenoid!!
*Warm up the car, drive it a lil until you reach operating temp, then start logging.
*Do a mix of driving between city, highway and pulls, 1 LOG!!!! do not split it up!!!
*Then goto the Histo's for LTFT+STFT vs Maf vs Freq and copy/paste over that table in HPT using Paste Special multiply by %
*Then flash that to the car, warm up and drive
*Log again doing the same method above, you want to try and hit as many load cells as possible and multiple times too
*Then again, copy the Histo data for LTFT+STFT vs Maf vs Freq and do paste special multiply by 1/2% this time
*Flash, warm up, drive, log. The LTFT should have settled into +/-1% by now
*Now using the STFT vs Maf Correction Histo after a long drive again, select the whole table and paste special by 1/2% over the MAF Correction tables.
*You may or may not need to do this twice but after this step the LT should be +/-1% and the ST's should be under 3-4% at anytime.
*If there is spots in the Correction Histo that are over 5%, JUST adjust those spots now!
*After the trims are stable plug the Purge Solenoid back in!
Ive found if the trim is WAY off (like +/- 10%) it stops trimming and just goes off the table value and creates a AFR error without adjusting for it. With the blow-thru style this will create a headache and will likely throw a MAF code and system too rich/lean code because the STFT's will be like 20-30% when you start! When they go that high, the VCM can no longer compensate enough to bring the AFR into check and the car will NOT run the commanded AFR! So be patient when tuning for this style of MAF location!! I ended up using the LT+ST vs Maf Freq histo a few times to get that portion just right, I then moved onto ST vs MAF Correction table and just adjusted the spots that were over 5%. Pay attention when tuning WOT to see if the car stops the ST Trim during your pull!! If it does this, notice where it went just before it stopped trimming and at what MAF Freq, then adjust those cells accordingly and it will come into check quickly!
I know for myself, it's cool and damp in the morning and warm and dry in the afternoon. This spreadsheet I made up will allow you to take a log in the AM and then in the PM and average the results from the 2 logs by just copying and pasting the info into the spreadsheet. All the calculations are setup, just input AM in Log 1 and PM in Log 2, then copy the results from the Averaged Results at the bottom and paste special/multiply by % over your tables in HPT
BYT Ultimate Fuel Trim Spreadsheet!!
(PS, check the tabs, it does the Frequency table AND the Correction table )
Another version of the Fuel Trim Guide courtesy of Shabby. Compacted to 3 rows and includes every cell in the Maf Freq Table.
Shabby Modded BYT Guide
Side note on things Ive noticed:
It seems like the car looks to the STFT values for a "trend". As it sees a certain amount of + or - values it then starts to adjust the LTFT in the direction of MOST of your STFT values. So if you are getting a lot of -10%'s on your new intake and a few + STFT%'s here or there, it will make the LTFT gradually start heading toward your -10%. So if you've just made a major change to the intake system or MAF location you want to drive the car a good 20-30 mins BEFORE trying to adjust ANYTHING!!!! You will see the car "stabilize" a bit and start showing some real readings! If you rush it you will surely end up chasing your tail. When you see the car start to stabilize and react normally, restart the logger and begin your tuning
After the discussion about unplugging the purge solenoid and how it freezes the LTFT, I decided to try and use that to our advantage. Sure enough, it works like a dream!! When you flash the car the LTFT and STFT sit at 0 until the Cat temp comes over ~500*. So this locks the LTFT at 0 and you just watch what the actual trims are doing. On a 3 hr/way trip over the weekend and logging the whole thing:
*LTFT actually sat at 0 most of the time after plugging the purge solenoid back in!
*STFT didn't go past +/-3%!
*LT+ST vs Maf Freq table was like +/-.5%!!!!
*ST vs Maf Corr table had only a couple +/-1% spots!
Car drove incredibly smooth and I was commanding 20* up top while running a 25psi tune