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Thread: Scaling Injectors 09 E38 ECM

  1. #81
    Senior Tuner
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    Jan 2014
    yes manifold referenced if ur running 300kpa base pressure KOEO then use that flow rate in all cells and also that column in all columns in the offset press volts, the other inj data stays as is, also if ur scaling stoich remember the ivt terms to halve also

  2. #82
    Tuner in Training
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    Mar 2024
    @ DStek, Hi, I am curious as to what the 67.7 lb/min limit means, or what is exactly being limited? I just checked one of my logs and I am at 67.72 lb/min at only 5000 RPM, yet I go to 6500 and sometimes a little higher and don't have any problems (that I know of) and sure enough you are right as the lb/min stop increasing at 67.7 lb/min..., but what does that mean? My set-up is; E40 GTO, 427CI, F1A94 and I just installed ID1050X injectors in place of the FAST 85's that I previously had (all by myself even LOL) Obviously I am pre-novice at tuning but am learning how to do my own tuning. I only got on HPTuners a few months ago but I have been researching A LOT on here and I see you everywhere on here, going back years, deep in these forums. You have already helped me a ton and you don't even know it, so thank you very much.
    Last edited by BabySharkGTO; 11-14-2024 at 07:35 PM.

  3. #83
    Senior Tuner
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    Jan 2014
    as far as im aware its the same as the spark table limited to 1.36g where u go past it then it just uses the last spark value, the IFR prob just stays at the last flow value and wont continue to be affecting the delta offset, so essentially u can keep fueling going as per normal just the ve or maf will be adding in the offset when u correct the fueling

  4. #84
    Tuning Addict
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    Apr 2017
    Airflow scaling and injector scaling are two different things. Scaling the injectors (just making them fit within the limits of the IFR table, which is what this thread is about) will not change anything about the airflow scaling/airflow limit.

    There is a way you can help people figure out some context for where you're at: Post your files. Preferably in your own thread about your own problem, not tacked onto the end of a 10-year-old thread.
    Quote Originally Posted by SiriusC1024 View Post
    I think they're junkyard rebuilds.

  5. #85
    Tuner in Training
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    haha I'm just on here reading and trying to learn, fortunately I don't have any problems at the moment. In this thread DStek mentioned the 67.7 lb/min limit. I am just curious about what that means. I will continue my deep dive and see if I can figure it out. Thank you.

  6. #86
    Tuning Addict
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    Well, the E40 is basically a Gen 3 except with the TAC built-in, very little in common with an E38 or other 'real' Gen 4.
    Quote Originally Posted by SiriusC1024 View Post
    I think they're junkyard rebuilds.

  7. #87
    Tuner in Training
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    Please keep in mind I do not know anything about Gen 3 or E38. My HPTuners experience is extremely limited (I'm certain that is painfully obvious haha) and only with the E40. I never referred to my ecu as Gen 3, Gen 4 OR E38. Always E40. If any other E40 guys or gals out there stumble across this be it known that the Injector Flow Rate Modifier vs Battery Voltage "Flow Rate Mult vs Volts" does in fact allow you to double the 63.5 IFR limit on the E40. I see a lot of people saying it doesn't work but it does work on the GTO E40, or at least it does on mine.

  8. #88
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    It doesn't on all E40 OSes.

    You are in a thread with "E38" in the title which deals with injector scaling, and you're asking about airflow limits on an E40. The E40 is a fancy Gen 3. Lots and lots of E38 info does not apply. E40 is airflow based like Gen 3s, E38 is torque based.
    Quote Originally Posted by SiriusC1024 View Post
    I think they're junkyard rebuilds.

  9. #89
    Tuner in Training
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    Mar 2024
    Some of the comments on page one and literally every comment on page 2 of this thread are people talking about the E40 and its limits, in specific the 67.7lb/min limit of the E40. So I replied to their comments in this thread and asked them about their comments about the E40 that they left in this thread. Are you going to go back to page 2 of this thread and summons all of them for talking about the E40 in a thread with "E38" in the title which deals with injector scaling? I do not even know what air flow limits are. I am entry level af. Would you believe this is my first time on any forum? Well it is. Sorry I broke the rules. I feel like you're probably smart enough about tuning to where you probably could have just answered my question but you choose to be condescending.