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So I currently have the AEM single AFR X=Series OBDII passthru version. My question is, is this using CAN bus? Is it possible to run dual AEM AFR gauges and record them separately in HP tuners using CAN Bus? I know this can be done with the analog inputs with the Pro-feature, but CAN BUS is the question. 2nd CAN bus question....... I'm installing a Stratomaster Blaze TC-6 gauge that has a CAN bus output. It's a 3.125" aircraft gauge that can record and display anywhere from 1 to 12 EGT or CHT probes. Is it possible to record 8 EGT temps into HP tuners via the CAN bus? I already installed all the header bungs 4 yrs ago as a safety, but didn't complete it. After a 2018 and 2023 single piston meltdown at the Texas Mile, I'm going forward with it as a safety. The programmed in MAX value can set off a normally closed ground - which I can use to kill my 250 nitrous shot while still pulling the timing and save the engine in the event of one injector (or anything high temp causing) going out. The gauge can be used as a standalone MAX value & alarming system....... but being able to datalog along side of 4 moveable AFR sensors would be priceless for the Mile Runs. If there's a better CAN Bus thread to post this in, let me know. Thanks!