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Thread: Intro to Mercedes 63 AMG (ME97AMG) Tuning

  1. #1
    HPT Employee Mark@HPTuners's Avatar
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    Intro to Mercedes 63 AMG (ME97AMG) Tuning

    Before you begin tuning these vehicles, here are some tips you may find useful:

    The existing calibration on the ECM cannot be read. You are provided with a stock file for your vehicle every time you attempt to read it.
    If you get a definition failed to load or checksum error, please email us that file and we will add support for your vehicle as soon as possible.

    Understanding variant coded parameters:

    Because these ECMs are used in a number of different markets and configurations, the manufacturer uses a process called variant coding to select one table or parameter used in a particular vehicle from a list of stored parameters.
    To determine your particular configuration, we are providing the following scanner parameters (these are permanent and you only need to log and take note of them once per vehicle):


    The Vehicle Configuration Select is used for several different purposes. Below is an example of a few tables that use this selector:


    Note that since the scanner indicates a value of 4 for the Vehicle Configuration Select, the tables labeled as "Var 4" should be used.
    Table 18196 is a special case because it actually uses two selectors - the Idle Table Select and the Vehicle Configuration Select. Since the Idle Table Select shows 0, the correct table to edit is Target Idle Speed Selective, Var 0, and since the Vehicle Configuration Select shows 4, the cell in the column labeled 4 is used.

    Other table sets that use the Vehicle Configuration Select: 11216-11228 (Max Aircharge WOT), 11242-11254 (Max Desired Throttle).
    Table sets that use the EGT Table Select: 14370-14383 (Est Manifold Temperature).
    Table sets that use the Pedal Table Select: 13190-13194 (Pedal Characteristic).
    Table sets that use the Mass Air Table Select: 51901-51904 (MAF calibration curves).
    Table sets that use the Catalyst Table Select: 11316-11319 (Voltage Bank tables).
    Table sets that use the Idle Table Select: 18196-18201 (Idle Speed (Gear), Idle Speed (Neutral).
    Table sets that use the Lambda Table Select: 12451 & 12452 (Desired Lambda After Start).
    Table that uses the Speed Limit Select: 11311 (Speed Limit vs. Variant).

    If you are tuning remotely and do not have scanner access to the vehicle, an option would be to modify all of the table copies.

    Fuel adjustment tips:

    Most of the fueling at higher loads is done through the Component Protection assembly found under the Engine -> Fuel -> COT, Lean Cruise tab.

    The Lambda Full Load (11309) scalar and Base Lambda (11302) table are of particular interest because these allow for fuel adjustments at higher loads including full throttle. Base Lambda's lookup value - Delta Temperature - can be monitored in the scanner and it is computed through adding delta temperature values from a few modifier tables which include one based on ignition efficiency (measured through distance of current ignition angle from optimum ignition angle), engine temperature, etc. Any adjustments made to this table should also fall under the range controlled by the Lambda Rich Limit (12476) and Lambda Lean Limit (12477) tables available under the Fuel -> General tab. Please note that the last two tables do not exist in some early operating systems.

    The three model EGT thresholds located in the same tab to enable Component Protection control can be lowered if control is desired sooner (on a forced induction application, for example).

    Adjustments for different injectors can be accomplished via the Inj Pulse Mult (12327) table located in the Fuel -> General tab.

    Understanding spark timing:

    There are 4 main spark tables and 4 optimum spark tables available. In addition, there are a number of tables that act as modifiers to final spark.

    For this example, I am logging the following parameters: Spark (SAE), Intake Cam Mix Factor, Exhaust Cam Mix Factor, Knock Prevention Spark Adjustment, Load and Knock Retard:


    Below are the contents of the relevant spark tables used while recording this log:


    The Intake Cam and Exhaust Cam Mix factor allows us to determine the spark table used currently. In this case, it is table 12687 - Main Spark - Intake Max, Exhaust Min because the Intake reads 99.6% and Exhaust reads 0% in the log.
    The log snapshot was taken at 4761 RPM, which at 100% load, corresponds to a value of 21 degrees (Main Spark).
    My calibration has the "Use Spark Offset" switch enabled, and the Catalyst Heating Spark Offset (18190) table is being used. We therefore subtract 4.50 degrees from our main table and the resulting spark is 16.50 degrees.
    My log also shows that that the car has been detecting knock (Knock Prevention Spark Adjustment - Yes) and as a result, the Knock Offset table is also used to offset the final spark. Subtracting the 3.75 degrees from this table form 16.50 yields the 12.7 degrees of spark shown in the log.

    Knock Retard

    Just as with any other application, if there is any actual knock retard logged, the final spark will also be offset by the degrees of spark retard.
    In addition, if low octane or poor quality gas is detected, the ECM can further reduce the spark timing through the use of one of the Offset, Knock Intensity tables.


    You can log the Knock Intensity Level parameter in the scanner to determine if these tables are used. If the level is shown as 1, 2 or 3, the appropriate table above is used to offset final spark.

    Tips related to engine torque management:

    Engine torque reduction is achieved primarily through spark cut on these vehicles. There are various reasons why the engine control module might decide to reduce torque, including: delivered torque exceeds expected, component protection due to overheating, requests from other modules such as the transmission control module.

    In the screenshot below, the Indicated Torque channel exceeds the Maximum Permissible Torque percentage and as a result, the Torque Limiting Active channel shows "Yes."


    This is a good indication that the torque model tables need some adjustments.

    In our experience with a supercharged vehicle, torque intervention due to perceived EGT rise has been an issue. In the Engine -> Exhaust -> EGT Control tab, there are Temperature Estimation Model tables that can be adjusted to prevent the model EGT from rising too quickly thus resulting in a torque reduction condition.

    EGT protection control can be enabled or disabled via the two switches available in the same tab, if desired.
    Finally, there is a master switch (12910 - Spark Retard Allowed for TqMgm) which controls the ECM's ability of using spark as means of torque reduction (for any reason). Note that channels such as Spark Intervention Active and Torque Limiting Active will still display "Yes," when the ECM is trying to reduce timing and this switch is disabled.
    Last edited by Engineer@HPT; 11-16-2016 at 08:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Tuner Mep_q8's Avatar
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    I was logging an E63 today and it seemed the TPS was actually closing during the run, looked like it would be torque management? I'm just waiting for support to get back to me on the update so I can get it tuned.

    Bader Norris
    MEP Tuned
    Telephone: +965-55446651
    Email: [email protected]

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mep_q8 View Post
    I was logging an E63 today and it seemed the TPS was actually closing during the run, looked like it would be torque management? I'm just waiting for support to get back to me on the update so I can get it tuned.
    i think this issue is the same as a friend of mine who has c63 with bolt ons and supercharger

    first couple days it runs okay

    later, once he hit the throttle it started with 5 psi for couple of seconds then it reaches 8 psi ( it used to give 8 psi immediately )

    either vvt issue or throttle IMO

  4. #4
    Senior Tuner Mep_q8's Avatar
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    If your friend has the Wesitec it could probably be the bypass.. A customer had a Whippled Escalade that swore it was the tune pulling boost, same situation. Went to another tuner and same thing. I explained to him the Whipple bypass valves do go faulty and they offer an upgraded/replacement to fix the issue. It could be that.

    Bader Norris
    MEP Tuned
    Telephone: +965-55446651
    Email: [email protected]

  5. #5
    Senior Tuner Mep_q8's Avatar
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    Any way you guys can add a fuel adaptive reset similar to the dodges?

    Bader Norris
    MEP Tuned
    Telephone: +965-55446651
    Email: [email protected]

  6. #6
    Senior Tuner BackyardTurbo_FTW's Avatar
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    If I had to guess, it's the EGT Tq limit table.

    Sorry, this was in reply to the throttle closing. I hit quote post, don't know what happened lol

  7. #7
    HPT Employee Mark@HPTuners's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mep_q8 View Post
    Any way you guys can add a fuel adaptive reset similar to the dodges?
    Contact support and ask for the download link for VCM Suite 3.5 beta. VCM Suite 3.5.054 or newer has a "Reset All Adaptives" feature for the ME97AMG available in Vehicle Controls and Special Functions.

    Note: During our testing, we discovered that the engine needs to be running and idling and the vehicle should be in park/neutral when you run the function for the fuel trims to reset.

  8. #8
    Senior Tuner BackyardTurbo_FTW's Avatar
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    Anything else notable in the beta that isnt in the current stable version for the Benz stuff?

  9. #9
    HPT Employee Mark@HPTuners's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BackyardTurbo_FTW View Post
    Anything else notable in the beta that isnt in the current stable version for the Benz stuff?
    Nope, at the moment, just Adaptive Memory Reset is in beta. Everything else is in stable

  10. #10
    Tuner in Training
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    For the VVT tuning element, is it a case of being presented with four tables (one for each cam) in a load vs rpm arrangement for us to cherry pick our desired angles from the range of adjustment physically possible? Any chance of some pics of this?

  11. #11
    Senior Tuner BackyardTurbo_FTW's Avatar
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    There's several tables but you want to adjust intake cam warm and exhaust cam warm. It will do both intake cams with one table and obviously both exhaust cams with the other then. You should copy the warm tables to the knock cam tables after you make adjustments. I left the cold tables as they were factory.

  12. #12
    good info

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Is it likely we might see some more tables in future for injector adjustment?
    The current Inj Pulse Mult (12327) table seems a little primitive for calibrating a larger injector.

  14. #14
    Senior Tuner BackyardTurbo_FTW's Avatar
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    I thought the same thing when I saw the Weistec SC kits on sale. Id like to have tuned it myself but the tuning for larger injectors with HP had me second guessing that choice. I know HP has a C63 with the Magnusson charger on it, so Im sure they have some insight here as well!

  15. #15
    Advanced Tuner
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    Man, I would really like to get into tuning the Mercedes platform. So if I remember, once I log the vehicle with the Scanner, then Hp will send me a stock file to modify from? Do I have to buy this stock file to view, and navigate through? Have had a couple customers with Weistec kits looking for a custom tune, but hard to get a read, since they're not in the same city. If I have the opportunity to hook Hp Scanner up to it can I get what I need to break the ice?

  16. #16
    Senior Tuner BackyardTurbo_FTW's Avatar
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    You will not be able to read the Weistec tune at all. SO you would be starting fresh from a stock file on that car. Once you write it to the car, they lose their Weistec tune unless they have it saved on some other device like the MyGenius.

  17. #17
    Advanced Tuner
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    So am I able to view with the scanner the "vehicle configuration select" and get a new stock file from Hptuners? I guess at what point do I have to license this vehicle? Is it possible to get a stock map from Hp and leave the Weistec tune in the car till I can view the layout of the stock tune and learn it while the car still uses the Weistec tune. That way I can get used to the Mercedes layout and make sure that I can get the car back up and running in a reasonable amount of time.

  18. #18
    Senior Tuner BackyardTurbo_FTW's Avatar
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    Once you connect to the vehicle with the editor program and try to read it will supply you with a stock file that is compatible. You make changes to that, upload it to the car and that's it. The Weistec tune is then gone unless you have it saved on some other device. Not sure how Weistec works if you have to send in your ecu or they send you the MyGenius and a file etc. But if you mailed it in, that tune is gone once you write the car with HPT.

  19. #19
    Advanced Tuner
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    Ok, I must have misread the above tutorial. So as long as I read and not write the vehicle, I can get a stock file, and leave the Weistec tune in the car. I am just wanting to go through a stock file of the car, so I can see what tables are available and research on they're definitions. Then spend a little time with the scanner to get some channels configured and pay attention to the "vehicle config select", while returning the car still with the Weistec tune.

  20. #20
    i'm trying to read the file of A45 2016 but the protocol failed. any ideas?