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Thread: Base Running Airflow Tuning

  1. #1

    Base Running Airflow Tuning

    Just a quick question when tuning RAF. I have seen multiple answers on this and just would like to double check before jumping into it. I will be tuning my base running idle airflow with the Russ K config files. When tuning the RAF, should I have STIT and LTIT on or off? is there anything else that should be on or off to gather the correct values? thanks.

  2. #2
    anyone have any insight on this? I know lots of people have tuned their BRAF with his config files, but not sure if I should turn on or off all my adaptive controls.

  3. #3
    Senior Tuner
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    You adaptive idle controls need to be set to 0's so your scanned information is not skewed. If you are auto, I would set up neutral first. Then with neutral done and your happy, transfer a little of that error to your Drive RAF. Then tune In Gear. It'll take a couple of weekends to get this correct. You'll know your on the mark when your error is less than 1%. Yes, less than 1% error is what to shoot for in this process. When your all done, put your adaptive tables back to stock.
    2000 Trans Am WS6

  4. #4
    awesome, thank you