Gents can someone confirm a query i have on the Evap Vent in the channels?

In the scanner channels i've started to log "Evap Vent" as i was curious as to if it was still operational when in OLSD (which i am running).

Noticed Thursday morning early (was cool) that it stated it as "closed" then on the way home from work when warmer is was "open", so i'm guessing it still is in fact working.

As i'm now running a turbo i'm thinking this is in fact a bit of an issue, don't really want to be filling my tank with boost pressure (someone say fuel pump helper )

What's the best way to rectify this if it is a problem, disconnect the solenoid (plug) and turn the DTC off for the Evap?

Or is there a way to do it in the tune (i've looked but cannot see anywhere)?