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Thread: 2012 Camaro T43 won't respond to TUTD inputs

  1. #1
    Tuner in Training
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    May 2018

    2012 Camaro T43 won't respond to TUTD inputs

    I have transplanted a 2012 LFX/6L50 from a Camaro into a 2011 Miata. I purchased a Speartech hardwire TU/TD kit and incorporated it into the Miata paddles. My shop has modified the TUTD parameter to HARDWIRED, but the transmission blissfully ignores the inputs.

    I have verified the correct resistor values at pin 7 of the transmission connector. John Spears at Speartech has suggested HPT may not be updating the correct table entries.

    The 2012 Camaro normally sends TUTD commands through the BCM rather than hardwire or shift lever.

    Has anyone resolved this problem? Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Tuner in Training
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    May 2018

    After researching I discovered that the 6L50 software did not read the pin 7 hardwire input and no amount of tweaking was going to fix it. This left me with loading and earlier corvette TCM software and maybe making it work, or …….

    This meant finding a gateway that simulates the BCM as found in the Camaro without the Anti-theft interfaces. Lo and behold I found one that not only enables the paddle shifters but also provides Cruise Control, Tow/Haul shift mode, AC control through the ECM, Engine starter control through the ECM, and RVC Alternator control.

    Best of all, the unit was originally designed for 58x GM powertrains such as the 6L80e or 6L90e and will work for your LS conversions. Through a little research, we were able to verify it will also work with the 6L50e.

    PM me if you would like additional info.

  3. #3
    Advanced Tuner ZeroBoostBuick's Avatar
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    wow thanks for the update.

    Over the years I've read some posts inquiring about this issue and it's good to know there is a way to get it working.

  4. #4
    Potential Tuner
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    Oct 2021
    any luck with this? I have put a LFX into my mx5 nd

  5. #5
    Tuner in Training
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    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by CBN00 View Post
    any luck with this? I have put a LFX into my mx5 nd
    Once solved, it has worked flawlessly. So much so, I completely forgot about this thread until your post.

    I used a BCM emulator from OE Controls.

    I have added a supplemental display panel that they offer. The display offers a variety of options. I set mine up on the top line of the display: commanded gear, the current gear, and the torque converter status. The second line displays: instant fuel economy, engine torque, cruise control set MPH, and actual MPH.

    Very happy with the results and strongly recommend them.

  6. #6
    Potential Tuner
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    Oct 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by djwarner View Post
    Once solved, it has worked flawlessly. So much so, I completely forgot about this thread until your post.

    I used a BCM emulator from OE Controls.

    I have added a supplemental display panel that they offer. The display offers a variety of options. I set mine up on the top line of the display: commanded gear, the current gear, and the torque converter status. The second line displays: instant fuel economy, engine torque, cruise control set MPH, and actual MPH.

    Very happy with the results and strongly recommend them.
    Cheers mate i'll check it out, I'm in Australia so finding stuff like this is hard, Interesting that the hard wire method didn't work with the resisters