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I've got similar setup to you. ive got BF NA ecu with turbo enabled, plus using Deka 60lb injectors.
Cold starts are OK but could be better.
I also had the same dramas with cold idle speed. It took me a while to get it sorted. I just set idle speed for park, neutral, in gear etc for 700rpm. Zero'd out all IDLE speed RPM adders except I added 100rpm extra for coolant temp until 40 degs, then 50rpm until 60 degs. (or something similar just for a slight idle increase)
Also, I have the same problems with cruise control surging and have never been able to sort it out. According to the service manual, the turbo ecus use the boost pressure sensor in the pipe between the intercooler and throttle body for some reference for cruise control.
I do not have this on mine, I am just using the turbo map sensor in the intake manifold.
I tried to connect a boost sensor to put in the up-pipe and I also connected the wiring and fitted the wastegate solenoid too and it doesn't work. The ecu keeps throwing fault codes after they are enabled. Im sure that the NA ecu's do not have the components required to drive the boost sensor or WG solenoid. I think the only way around it is to fit a turbo ECU. I have read similar stories about this issue on the PCMTEC forum.
I did try 80lb dekas initially and found them impossible to tune on petrol. They are OK on e85. The inj pulse width at idle and decal is non-linear at such small pulse widths that its impossible to get them right with petrol.
I found deka 60s are not too bad on petrol at low pulse widths (less than 2.0ms) but they work fine with ethanol.
You can do some trial and error with the injector lambda during cranking. I have logged around 20-22ms while cranking which tells me that they are practically wide open during crank. Try making the numbers in the table to all 1.0 and see if it improves or gets worse.