Originally Posted by
Chad pope
ok so lets first start with the desired acceleration charts. Go to your shift general chart and look at your desired acceleration offset line. start with making all those in that line( 0 ) . that's really going to take the slush box feel out of that tranny. next go to your general line and click on throttle interpret. make all of those 100. that is the variable pressure control. it changes pressure as the throttle is pressed. next click on shift pressure, then click on upshift. this is the duty cycle that determines how much pressure is running at any given point from torque output. same concept as the throttle interpret. make all those 100 . next scroll over to general on the shift pressure. start with the max pressure lock. this will not let the line pressure build any higher than what you put here. I have mine set at 190. I wouldn't go any higher than 180-190 unless you have a upgraded separator plate in the valve body. to much pressure makes cross leaks. next click on the min line pressure and make it the same as the max neutral pressure (125). next click on max line pressure, this is were you can set the pressure to how you want it to shift. if you like it firm and snappy ,start with 170-180. most like 160-170. just remember what you put your max pressure lock at and don't go above that. next click on pressure fluid temp and set to 0. we want control of the pressure not to temp lol. next click on pressure gain/gear and max out those values. next go to torque converter and then click on general. scroll to the tcc shift slip and tcc shift slip thresh and set those to 0. that is just unwanted heat. next go to manual and click on skip shift enable ect and max that out so it wont skip shift. next you can play with torque management. I have disabled all mine and I have a heavy crew cab with no issues for over a year with a very firm trans shift. I really hope this helps someone. there wasn't any writeup when I was playing with the 545 and the 65rfe tuning. let me know if I can help