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Thread: HP Tuners Now Supporting 2007-2018 Toyota Landcruiser 200 & 70 Series!

  1. #1
    HPT Employee Darek@HPTuners's Avatar
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    May 2018
    Chicago, IL

    HP Tuners Now Supporting 2007-2018 Toyota Landcruiser 200 & 70 Series!

    2007-2018 Toyota Landcruiser 200 & 70 Series support now available

    HP Tuners presents support for the 2007-2018 Toyota Landcruiser

    Our MPVI2 interface is required along with the latest version of VCM Suite Beta software.
    Licensing cost is 4 credits and an internet connection is required when writing.

    This support is for the 1VD-FTV (4.5L V8 D-4D) engine
    Transmission support is not guaranteed.

    • Click here to purchase an MPVI2
    • Click here to download the latest version of our VCM Suite software


    • 2007-2018 Toyota Landcruiser 200 & 70 Series

    For the full VCM Editor Change Log, please see the following link:

    For the full VCM Scanner Change Log, please see the following link:

    For more information, and to view the latest supported vehicles list, click here.

  2. #2
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I’ve been playing with it on an 18 200. Takes a long time to flash! What’s the go with the battery disconnect before flashing?

  3. #3
    We follow the Toyota process which includes validating the file after the reflash which takes a bit longer.
    I count sheep in hex...

  4. #4
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Fair enough. It’s picked up 60hp so far. Got the fuelling down but I’m struggling to get boost in it. Any clues to what I should be looking at?

  5. #5
    Can anyone share a file?

  6. #6
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Hi, can you say about your configuration...

  7. #7
    Potential Tuner
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    Jan 2020
    nothing for the Landcruiser 200 (3UR-FE, 1UR-FE and R1GR-FE), gasoline Variation?

  8. #8
    Potential Tuner
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    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by kangsta View Post
    Can anyone share a file?
    Attached Files Attached Files

  9. #9
    Potential Tuner
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    Aug 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Speed.R View Post
    nothing for the Landcruiser 200 (3UR-FE, 1UR-FE and R1GR-FE), gasoline Variation?
    any update on this?

    Tundra and Sequoia use the same engine but different trans?

    07-18 Tundra 5.7L V8 (3UR-FE, 3UR-FBE) (Including transmission)
    07-18 Sequoia 5.7L V8 (3UR-FE, 3UR-FBE) (Including transmission)


  10. #10

    Support for 2014 land cruiser 79 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Darek@HPTuners View Post

    2007-2018 Toyota Landcruiser 200 & 70 Series support now available

    HP Tuners presents support for the 2007-2018 Toyota Landcruiser

    Our MPVI2 interface is required along with the latest version of VCM Suite Beta software.
    Licensing cost is 4 credits and an internet connection is required when writing.

    This support is for the 1VD-FTV (4.5L V8 D-4D) engine
    Transmission support is not guaranteed.

    • Click here to purchase an MPVI2
    • Click here to download the latest version of our VCM Suite software


    • 2007-2018 Toyota Landcruiser 200 & 70 Series

    For the full VCM Editor Change Log, please see the following link:

    For the full VCM Scanner Change Log, please see the following link:

    For more information, and to view the latest supported vehicles list, click here.
    Does this support land cruiser 79 2014 model????

  11. #11
    Potential Tuner
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    Nov 2022
    I got excited when I found HP supports Landcruiser 200.
    Rushed out and bought an MPVI3 to get connected.
    Found that I cannot upload current file in ECU and gives me an internet stock file.
    I bought the unit as I wanted to upload and then squirt back into a spare ECU as I have a problem with my ECU but I now find I cannot as it won't read so has not helped me.
    Has anyone found out how to read??
    I need to read as previous owner had had changes done to shifting which works well and I don't want to loose.
    Is there another way for me if HP won't do it?
    Feel a bit disappointed after spending all the money and is only capable of writes.

  12. #12
    Potential Tuner
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    Sep 2018
    You need to remove and open the ecu to do a read from the board itself, bench reading tools required. Obd port only provides a virtual read, doesn't matter what tool you use.


  13. #13
    Potential Tuner
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    Nov 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Dzltec View Post
    You need to remove and open the ecu to do a read from the board itself, bench reading tools required. Obd port only provides a virtual read, doesn't matter what tool you use.


    Any more info or where I can find it on performing this read? Keen to give it a go as I'm stuffed without a read.



  14. #14
    Potential Tuner
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    Sep 2018
    You need to use Alientech ktag system to do so. The ecu is not an easy unit to physically open.

  15. #15
    Potential Tuner
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    Nov 2022
    I tried emailing them to confirm their gear will work and have not got a reply so cannot verify. I found some compatibility table and the 200 series did not have a box ticked in the R column. I'm unsure of what the R column is but I'm guessing 'Read'

  16. #16
    Dzltec is correct the only way to read the ecu is to remove it from the car, open the ecu and directly connect the board, KTAG has no support anymore but will do the job, the other option is KESS3 which has the functionality to bench read.

    Has anyone here had any experience mapping the transmission? I am new to HPTUNERS and whilst most of the tables make sense the naming protocols are confusing.
    I need to bring up the shift pressures and hold the lock up converter in under load for towing.
    Thanks Peter

  17. #17
    This file has been modified to hold in the lock up longer and drop out later, lock in harder and change harder , also boost and torque tables have been altered along with fuel pressure increases. I will post up the injection timing changes file once I have finished calculating and applying the changes.

    any comment would be good.

  18. #18
    Tuner in Training
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    Apr 2022
    thanks peter for uploading that for a refference, will really help me understand where i need to be sgarting with my 200 series, i can see where your egr has been turned off by putting egr valve fitted to zero. how would i be able to look at deleting my dpf, or is this a coolant temp based protocol that we can dupe?
    Also i cant seem to see any differences in the transmission/torque converter maps from my stock file? just trying to reference as we do tow and id like to engage the lockup earlier, hold it longer for fuel efficiency.
    is this map youve posted running the factory sized injectors? as some of the maximum injection quantity maps have been turned down from factory?
    thank you very much for your assistance

  19. #19
    Potential Tuner
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    Jul 2023
    Hi Peter, ive been reviewing your file here, are you able to post the updated one with injection timing changes?

  20. #20
    Any chance this would work with the lexus variant 2007 LX470? 2uzvvti