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Thread: log/data request...14-16 SS or Caprice PPV

  1. #1

    log/data request...14-16 SS or Caprice PPV

    all, looking for some assitance getting a short log of the following channels/PIDs to compare to my own. key on engine off would be be fine. just need to get the data for APP 0% and APP 100%. Thanks in advance!

    TPS1 %
    TPS1 Volts
    TPS2 %
    TPS2 Volts
    Acc Pedal Position 1
    Acc Pedal Position 2

    i am getting a weird difference of TPS1 % and TPS2 %, but the voltages seem to be working fine. Trying to determine if this is unique to my e38 or if the data is normal across the platform

    Charleston, SC

  2. #2
    I was able to get some data and turns out that the c6 pedal and the PPV e38 OS will work together, so long as the pins and connector are done correctly.

    Thanks to those who replied via PM....i greatly appreciate it!

  3. #3
    What was the solution here. I have a l77 e38 and 2010 Camaro pedal that keeps going into limp mode after about 30% throttle. Before I make a bracket for this caprice pedal is there anything you can share?