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Thread: How to display a very large "track map" recorded over hours

  1. #1
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    outside Philadelphia PA

    How to display a very large "track map" recorded over hours

    I ride dirt bikes and use a GoPro 9. I ride eastern mountain trails for hours and cover 40 to 50 miles.
    Obviously, this takes many video files, and most of it is boring. I cut the video down to 10 to 15 minutes of the best stuff.

    I need a way to have an overlay display of the whole 50 mile track. With the usual arrow or dot to show where I am on the journey. I don't know how to get this.

    I use RR to load up one set of video files that are recorded as a session by the GoPro. These might be 5 miles long, and end up with 10GB or so in a single video file when rendered by RR. I can then load all of the 10GB files into my video editor and cut out the boring stuff.
    The problem is that RR renders the map for the set of files in the GoPro session separately. So there are separate "track map" segments that are not connected and don't maintain their proper position relative to other video sections.

    I tried using 'ffmpeg' to concatenate all the MP4 files, but this results in a huge file. So big that RR can't find the GPS meta data.
    Its so big its nearly impossible to use, edit or move. So this is not a viable approach, even if I can fix the metadata issue.

    Anyone know how to get a full track map?

  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    I see an option to Join Input Files. I think you can just use that to concatenate the various video files if it's not done automatically on import (i.e. recognizing the GoPro video name format of the first video file, recognizing other files named appropriately in the same folder, and asking if you want to include the others as well). This joining doesn't seem to work for data files in the way that you're expecting though. It seems to just load a map of the individual input, and then switch over to the next individual file.

    Maybe that's more of a bug in RaceRender itself? I would expect if I'm joining files that data across the entire input would be gathered rather than just the individual input file.

    Maybe you can sidestep this by having the track map zoomed in pretty far based on your vehicle position? Perhaps rotating with heading? That would give you a more video game-esque HUD.

  3. #3
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    Not sure but the track map is created from the data files, so you should be able to either add all the data files from all the 'sessions' or perhaps manually combine them into one big file?

  4. #4
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    May 2021
    If you use racerender to combine the data files into one file, and then start fresh using that one combined file, racerender will then build a track map using the whole file, and not just the individual segments.