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Thread: AEM 30-0334-type direct OBDII wideband for older vehicles. Any takers ?

  1. #101
    Advanced Tuner
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    If the splitter can power the 30-0310 without a problem, then it is probably OK for this box, and 30-0300.

    I didn't realize the 30-0310 was so popular As it does not have a display, maybe I should add some kind of indication to the USB config program to show its state and live data.

  2. #102
    Tuner in Training
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    Quote Originally Posted by dr.mike View Post
    If the splitter can power the 30-0310 without a problem, then it is probably OK for this box, and 30-0300.

    I didn't realize the 30-0310 was so popular As it does not have a display, maybe I should add some kind of indication to the USB config program to show its state and live data.
    Adding to the USB config sounds like a neat idea but only for troubleshooting perhaps because VCM Scanner isn't picking the device or is picking up the device but no data is presented from it?

    Another random thought I had as I was waking up this morning is CAN bus termination? maybe it was covered earlier and I missed it. Since there is no existing CAN bus and devices like these are normally on the trunks of an existing CAN bus I assume I will wire in a single 60 ohm for termination. maybe board level with a 3 pin connector with 2 pin jumper 0, 60, 120 would be nice (a little better the enemy of good enough) doesn't sound like it would be worth a board level change so assuming no termination exists "me" adding a 60 ohm in the circuit sounds simplest.
    Last edited by R Horn; 04-07-2022 at 09:52 AM.

  3. #103
    Tuner MakesBadDecisions's Avatar
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    Dr. Mike
    The 30-0310 is our number one installed WBO2 for our boosted builds. With the current Pro-link capabilities it has only made sense to install the 30-0310 and prolink for easy logging and tuning. Plus it eliminates one more thing to clutter dash, steering column, a-pillar, etc. I've had few of the 30-0310 flashed with the OBD protocol and they work awesome, but obviously limited to CAN compliant vehicles. If there was an easy way to use the 30-0310 on non CAN compliant without re-flashing or prolink I think it would be an easy sale to end customer that dont want the pro version and prolink.

    Just a thought
    2017 Crew Short 4x4 - 575hp/581trq at the tire
    2017 C7 GS 3LT - All stock for now, waiting impatiently for shop time to install parts

  4. #104
    Advanced Tuner Pulse_GTO's Avatar
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    I'm thinking of picking up a 30-0300 and was trying to figure out a way of making it portable by using a project box to house the gauge and probably an on-off switch, then have it powered by a cigarette lighter plug.
    I have an LM-2 that I use right now, but it's a pain having to carry around the A/D converter as well so it will play nice with the MPVI Pro analog inputs.

    I have two vehicles that at the house that I can try your product on, a 2004 GTO and a 2005 GTO. If I understand this correctly, with your adapter, I would simply plug it into the OBDII port, plug the MPVI on the adapter, then wire the power wires for the 30-0300 on your adapter as well, eliminating the need to have a separate power source?

    Even if I'm not an early tester I would be very interested in this solution when it becomes publicly available.

  5. #105
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    OK. Looks like he 30-0310 IS more popular than I thought. I will keep an eye on the 30-0310, while making updates.

    ...CAN bus termination? ...
    Yes, there is a termination resistor on the AEMNet CANbus lines. There is no termination on the OBD2 CAN lines ( nor, should there be ), as, when there is no CAN ECU present, we use the J1850 pins, instead of the CAN pins on the OBD2 connector.

    have two vehicles that at the house that I can try your product on, a 2004 GTO and a 2005 GTO. If I understand this correctly, with your adapter, I would simply plug it into the OBDII port, plug the MPVI on the adapter, then wire the power wires for the 30-0300 on your adapter as well, eliminating the need to have a separate power source?
    Yes. Connect the power and CAN lines to this device. And, plug it into the OBD2 port. Makes for a cleaner install.

  6. #106
    Tuner in Training
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    I was just interested if the AEMnet CAN of the device was terminated since the wide band and the device are forming their own bus.

    All Good

  7. #107
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    Technically, the can lines are "loaded" but, not "terminated". i.e. There is only one "terminating" resistor. So, reflections are only snubbed in one direction. To REALLY do it properly, there should be a 120ohm resistor, at the gauge end of the harness. But, that goes out the window, if there are more than 1 wideband connected. Fortunately, the 500kbps speed, used by OBD2 is relatively immune to reflections, for these cable lengths.

  8. #108
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    I use the 0310 because I tune for a living, and my setup is mobile. The normal gauge display has always just been extra clutter in my case. I have my VCM Scanner Layout set up where my gauges tab displays gauges of AFR/AFR Error, or Lambda/Eq Error depending on which one I?m using that session, so that?s my ?gauge?

    I used to get my power for the WB from either the dash charging port, or direct to battery, but I found it?s a little less clutter to use the OBD splitter for a power source

  9. #109
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    Makes sense

  10. #110
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    Received the test device fondly called "brick" today.

    Received the test device fondly called "brick" today.

    Short on time and quickly fitted the housing with Dremel (functionally installed).

    Will try and can some initial testing tomorrow as timing allows.

    Screen shot of the device connected to the configuration tool


  11. #111
    Senior Tuner
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    my AEM 30-0334 keeps disappearing from the channel list when i hit "start scanning" in the scanner. anyone have any ideas on what i can do to get this thing working? i have the MPVI2 if that matters.

    thanks in advance

  12. #112
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    How are you selecting the channel ?

  13. #113
    Senior Tuner
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    hello Dr. Mike. im clicking on "add channel" at the top of the channels. then i type in "wideband" in the text area and it pulls up "external inputs" Aem x-series uego -wb eq ratio 1. Are there any other channels i need to add other than the wideband?

  14. #114
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    That is how you add a 30-0300, when using the prolink.

    Th 30-0334 shows up as a normal PID.

    IIRC, it shows up under

    OBD Controller: Unknown/Engine/Fuel/Open & Closed Loop/Oxygen Sensors/WB EQ Ratio 1 (SAE)

  15. #115
    Senior Tuner
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    Ok cool. Thanks. My second question is, how do you set up the scanner so that you get data to paste into the VVE table?

  16. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by LS ROB View Post
    Ok cool. Thanks. My second question is, how do you set up the scanner so that you get data to paste into the VVE table?
    Goat Rope garage has some pretty good YouTube videos on setting up your histograms for this.

    When you set up scanner you have to make sure your scaling on both axis between scanner and editor are a match to be able to make simple copy paste editing.

    But this chatter should be in another thread

  17. #117
    Senior Tuner
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    thanks. ill look into it and see if i can get some answers

  18. #118
    Potential Tuner MountainTune's Avatar
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    Hey Dr. Mike,
    I may be a good guinea pig. The truck I’m working on has an L33 from ‘06. The PCM corroded and died, so I have bought a replacement now as well a 30-0300. Would you ship to Canada? Next project is an 0411 swap into my Yukon, then possibly tuning my ‘08 Hemi. No boost projects for me I’m afraid however.

  19. #119
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    I am out of commission for a few days, while moving. I hope to have everything set up in the new house, next week ...

  20. #120
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    Im all 4 it i have a 01 tahoe that i tried wiring up with aem x series but ended up frying 2 batteries. I will 4 sure buy this aslong as it has clear instructions. I need my wb but dont want 2 keep trying all this different tricks.