Bar Graph - Time Delta Field.rro
It's probably easiest to use the "(This Lap vs Cur Best Lap)" calculated field since that should be pretty close for continuous circuits. You can adjust the amount of time that is displayed on either side by adjusting the Range fields in the Display Object Properties (e.g. -2 to 2 would display a bar from 2 seconds behind to 2 seconds ahead). Make sure these add to 0 though since I didn't add extra logic to handle them being different.
If you want more precision or if you ever participate in a point-to-point like autocross or trackcross, you can follow the example I have here: You simply fill in the lap time in seconds at each particular spot on the track where you can compare your current lap (Column C) vs the previous lap (Column D). A staging time is added to the current lap time to get the current session time, and the current and previous laps are subtracted to get a "Time Delta" field for use in the RaceRender object. I have a negative value in the first row so that it will be active prior to my first autocross run (and so that it just happens to line up exactly with when my data began recording in that specific example). That value may need to be adjusted if your staging time is different.