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Thread: Does MPVI2+ Support Reading AEM 30-0310 thru CAN with ProLink cable?

  1. #1
    Tuner in Training
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    Does MPVI2+ Support Reading AEM 30-0310 thru CAN with ProLink cable?

    I purchased the MPVI2+ with the ProLink cable and connected the CAN +/- directly to my AEM 30-0310 Wideband CAN +/-.
    I fired up VCM Scanner, connected to vehicle, repolled for parameters, and I do not see the CAN AEM WB showing up in the parameters list (should see as another OBDII controller).

    FYI... The AEM analog signal works thru the ProLink however I want to use the 2 ProLink analog wires for other inputs.

    Does the MPVI2+ with ProLink support directly reading the AEM 0310 thru CAN?


  2. #2
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    IIRC, when I was doing testing, the AEMNet CAN devices showed up, here.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by dr.mike View Post
    IIRC, when I was doing testing, the AEMNet CAN devices showed up, here.
    Thanks Dr. Mike,

    I added that channel [X-Series UEGO (30-03xx) WB EQ Ratio 1] but you can see in the attached screen shot, the cell is empty.
    I also included the analog WB signal thru the [MPVI2 PL A/D Input 1 (Red)] and there is voltage on that signal.. which shows the WB is working... note engine is not running when I took this shot). WB Screenshot 2022-04-09 200313.jpg

    I appreciate the help!

  4. #4
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    There was a thread, a while back, where the CAN inputs were not working.

    Does this sound like your issue ?

  5. #5
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    Put a 60 ohm resistor across the the CAN wires. Neither the Prolink+ or the 30-0310 have any CAN bus termination. Anything from 60 to 120 should work fine.

    As of Friday the Prolink+ CAN still only works when connected to a laptop and logging with the laptop. HP tuners did get the analog channels fixed in Standalone.

    Bench tested Friday night with Prolink+ and 30-0310 (with 60 ohm resistor), bench-top power supply to the analogs. No issues with laptop and analog only working in stand alone. using 5.1.17 firmware off the top of my head.

  6. #6
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    From the 30-0310 instructions

    Bus Termination
    All AEMnet/CAN networks must be terminated to have an equivalent of approximately 60 Ohms of resistance. Generally, this means a 120 Ohm resistor connected in parallel to AEMnet+/AEMnet- (or CANH/CANL) at both physical ends of the bus run. The X-Series controller does not have any internal termination and is intended to be connected to a pre-existing, properly terminated network. Please refer to the Bosch CAN2.0B specification for further detail.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by R Horn View Post
    From the 30-0310 instructions

    Bus Termination
    All AEMnet/CAN networks must be terminated to have an equivalent of approximately 60 Ohms of resistance. Generally, this means a 120 Ohm resistor connected in parallel to AEMnet+/AEMnet- (or CANH/CANL) at both physical ends of the bus run. The X-Series controller does not have any internal termination and is intended to be connected to a pre-existing, properly terminated network. Please refer to the Bosch CAN2.0B specification for further detail.
    R Horn - Solved! I added a 100 ohm resistor between the CAN hi & lo and and I now get a lambda reading.
    Thank you for solving this issue!

    Dr. Mike, Thanks for your help too!


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by R Horn View Post
    Put a 60 ohm resistor across the the CAN wires. Neither the Prolink+ or the 30-0310 have any CAN bus termination. Anything from 60 to 120 should work fine.

    As of Friday the Prolink+ CAN still only works when connected to a laptop and logging with the laptop. HP tuners did get the analog channels fixed in Standalone.

    Bench tested Friday night with Prolink+ and 30-0310 (with 60 ohm resistor), bench-top power supply to the analogs. No issues with laptop and analog only working in stand alone. using 5.1.17 firmware off the top of my head.
    So I can only log in standalone (no laptop) if I use the OBD2 30-0334? Id really like to use the non gauge 30-0310. Also prefer not to use the analog inputs.

  9. #9
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    The 30-0310 can be re-FLASHed with OBD2 firmware, like the 30-0334.

  10. #10
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    As mentioned above by dr.mike the 30-0310 re-flashed to function like the 30-0334 works perfectly in stand alone.

    As for stand alone prolink this email was as of 04/13/2022 (however they did resolve stand alone analog)


    I understand you are having troubles using the Prolink Can Inputs when stand alone logging. We are currently working to resolve an issue causing the Prolink to not record when using the stand alone data logging. We do not currently have an ETA as to when it will be resolved.

  11. #11
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    Hey mike, I just came across this post because I too was wanting to use my 30-0310 on the canbus. I thought it was as easy as booking up the wires but nope. I don?t want to use the gauged 30-0334 because it will me more of a mobile setup. How would I go about flashing my device? Thanks!

  12. #12
    Advanced Tuner HartRod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R Horn View Post
    Put a 60 ohm resistor across the the CAN wires. Neither the Prolink+ or the 30-0310 have any CAN bus termination. Anything from 60 to 120 should work fine.

    As of Friday the Prolink+ CAN still only works when connected to a laptop and logging with the laptop. HP tuners did get the analog channels fixed in Standalone.

    Bench tested Friday night with Prolink+ and 30-0310 (with 60 ohm resistor), bench-top power supply to the analogs. No issues with laptop and analog only working in stand alone. using 5.1.17 firmware off the top of my head.
    RHORN - does this apply to the MPVI3 also?
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  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by HartRod View Post
    RHORN - does this apply to the MPVI3 also?

    I have an MPVI3 and also an Aim PDM32 data logger. The PDM32 has an option to be silent on the canbus and also enable a termination resistor. I enabled those options but still could not get the MPVI3 to connect and read my vehicle. The only thing that worked was to remove the PDM32 from the canbus. Seems like the MPVI3 needs to be the only device on the network.

  14. #14
    Advanced Tuner HartRod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lewma View Post

    I have an MPVI3 and also an Aim PDM32 data logger. The PDM32 has an option to be silent on the canbus and also enable a termination resistor. I enabled those options but still could not get the MPVI3 to connect and read my vehicle. The only thing that worked was to remove the PDM32 from the canbus. Seems like the MPVI3 needs to be the only device on the network.
    Did you add the 120 OHM resistor also?
    69 Suburban Bagged & Blown:
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  15. #15
    I did not as the pdm32 already did this