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Thread: E78 Sonic timing

  1. #1

    E78 Sonic timing

    Hello !

    Can't figure out this issue I have with this car. high octane timing table ask for a lot more timing but the ecu is only giving me 12.5 degrees at 4000 rpm/0.55 g. Played with Virtual torque, VVE, MAF is spot on during WOT pulls and torque management timing corrections are at 0. TPS is also wide open which doesn't look like a limitation.

    I can't get the Max engine torque to be higher than predicted engine torque cmd no matter what I try.


  2. #2
    What mods do you have? Do you have a stock file also?

  3. #3
    exhaust+intake+94 oct

  4. #4
    I would start over with a stock file and only tune the MAF. You should not be messing with Virtual Torque and Virtual VE. Your mods have not changed actual engine airflow that much and the base VE of the engine is basically unchanged.

  5. #5
    Hello Sith,

    The map attached is with stock VVE and VT. I just worked on the MAF part and more driver demand at 80+ Pedal.

    No matter what I tried it pulls timing.

  6. #6
    I don't see a file? Or do you mean the one in the OP?
    Last edited by Sith; 04-18-2022 at 03:24 PM.

  7. #7
    Id like your stock file to compare some things. I pulled a stock file from the repository and way too many things don't line up. You definitely changed more than MAF and DD. But one thing I would turn off is Spark Smoothing under Spark/Advance/General and try again.

  8. #8
    your commanded ist all over the top...we are talking 1.8NA when I see right... your dd is commanding 215kW alone....and all the other mess you did...

  9. #9
    If this is a 1.4l turbo which I assume it is, it is going to pull timing because even with premium fuel you always get knock retard under heavy loads with them. Those little things detonate pretty easily. They do have a pretty low MBT though so they don't need a lot of timing to make power. Trust me the only way my Cruze with the same ecm and a 1.4 stays out of knock retard is when I have premium and about 20% ethanol or more. Mine has a flex fuel kit, bigger injectors and the tuning to allow that.

  10. #10
    first verify you are actually logging "Timing Advance (SAE)", and the knock learn factor is 0.00

    if its indeed not achieving more than 12.5 final spark:
    replace the factory intake (you can leave exhaust as is), reflash factory calibration.
    make the following changes:
    - spark\knock sensors\multipliers: set to 20 on all cylinders
    - spark\retard\octane modifier: set "up thresh" to 6
    zero out learn up and learn down table.
    - spark\retard\burst knock\base vs cylinderDelta: zero this out
    - driver demand: set to 199 for 100% throttle
    - fuel\power enrich\eq ratio: set entire table to 1.208
    zero out enable torque, set pedal to 50%, ramp-in rate to 2.
    - torque management\general: max out the max torque limits, set entire "peak torque" table to 300.
    leave everything else alone.

    while still using 94 octane and listening for knock, perform a WOT pull from 3000 to 5000.
    if its not achieving spark advance set by the high octane table plus any adders: copy and paste the torque model coefficients from a 2013+ Cruze 1.8L with the Automatic Transmission.
    Do NOT use the virtual torque wizard - copy and paste the coefficients using the compare file tool,
    then try again.

    if this works, revert the spark retard and knock multiplier settings to stock and build your new tune from this. once stable, reinstall your aftermarket intake.

    GM is very aggressive with torque management with the 1.8 to preserve the life of the weak transmissions they used for this engine.
    it appears to be much worse on the sonics.

    its a shame because they're otherwise stout engines.

    some other tips:
    - merging the spark and knock settings from a 2011 and 2014 1.8L cruze will give you the most aggressive "factory" settings to start from.
    - this is not a k20. do not exceed 6600rpm unless you upgraded the valve springs.
    - be careful with your knock sensor multipliers- only cylinder 3 is noisy. knock is audible at 2000rpm using the factory 2014 settings.
    if you dont want nuisance knock pulling tons of timing while still protecting your engine from lazy injectors or bad gas, increase knock recovery rate and reduce the learn-down time.
    - again, both the manual and automatic transmissions in these cars are fragile. tune with caution.
    Last edited by Dutch; 09-19-2022 at 09:14 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Lodi, CA
    With the e78, the MAF is filtered. Basically the VVE is the main guy. The MAF data is taken into account on top of the VVE. You should be tuning vve first, IMHO. Then tuning the MAF to follow suit (if not running in SD). If you are boosted, just run in sd, tune the VVE, then scale your MAF. Any change to the airflow, inside or outside of the engine is still a changed air flow. And therefore a change to how the engine breeze and how it affects the engine. The vve table is a representation of the air flow of the engine. If you have changed the way the air flows you have to change the VVE table to suit
    "Insert some inspirational or smart*** quote here..." - Some Dude

  12. #12
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    I'm trying to do something similiar with my 1.8 cruze on 91oct. Anyone with a sonic should just start with a stock cruze tune because comparing the sonic they're severly limited. I'm following some of Dutch's tips but I've noticed my '14 manual already has the same torque coefficients as the '13 auto. I've got my eq ramp-in at 1.3 as I've read 1.3-1.5 is good for na engines. My wot afr is 12.5 as that should make a little more power.

    I've merged the '11 and '14 spark maps as suggested, I'm seeing some knock retard but I need to do some more logging.