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Thread: Cadillac ATS-V Intercooler coolant pump control

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
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    Jul 2011
    Fairview, Texas

    Cadillac ATS-V Intercooler coolant pump control

    In a Cadillac ATS-V LF4 stock tune, there are 4 settings for intercooler pump control.

    Coolent Pump control.PNG

    The help note on IAT Min says: [ECM] 2947 - Intercooler Pump IAT Min: Below this IAT the intercooler pump will be disabled.
    The range is -40..493F.
    The setting in the stock tune, however, is 586F.

    Bruce 2016 ATSV May 22 2022 stock scan.hpl

    This appears to be if the IAT is too low, (not usually a problem), then disable the coolant pump.

    However, the stock setting of 586F would appear to always disable the coolant pump.

    Am I misunderstanding the purpose? Does the use of a setting outside the range impact the setting?

    Reading the description I might have guessed a value of 32 or 45F would be appropriate, or even -40 to simply disable it.

  2. #2
    This is a Mismatch! the Value is the Value in Kelvin which is 308K = 35C = 95F

    they converted 308K ( taken as C) to Fahrenheit which is 586F then
    Last edited by dertobi; 05-31-2022 at 04:08 AM.

  3. #3
    Potential Tuner
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    Jul 2011
    Fairview, Texas
    Oh, thank you for commenting, and good catch. I am glad the IAT MIN 586F mistake doesn't keep the pump from coming on altogether.
    Hp Tuners shows both the temp values are in degrees F.

    I am not sure why it would want the intercooler pump to only come on only over an IAT of 95F, or a MAF temp of 95F either, those seems high.
    A recent data scan my IAT1 was 82F, IAT2 was 84F, and MAT was 132F (and falling during run). Would it be reasonable to set the IAT min to 40F and MAT min to 50F?

  4. #4
    you literally hardly wont even ever see MAT around lower than 95 due to heat exchanger size...
    but your temps look fine so far, what should worry you is your badly slipping TCC and knock
    Last edited by dertobi; 05-31-2022 at 09:16 AM.

  5. #5
    Potential Tuner
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    Jul 2011
    Fairview, Texas
    Thanks. Yes, the next tune should reduce the KR. The A/C was on for the last scan which might impact the TCC slip; rookie mistake.

  6. #6
    your tcc slip is way too high, rather you raped the torque model or it is bad already.
    i never see more than 100rpm slip outside idle

  7. #7
    Potential Tuner
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    Jul 2011
    Fairview, Texas
    No changes to the torque model. Where it is slipping the scan shows 0 psi line pressure, but I am not sure why yet. TCC apply for 3rd gear is 61 mph, and I do see it start to add pressure there and come under control after.
    Image of scan; gold line is TCC slip. If the TCC is not applied before that point is the slip still relevant?
    TCC slip vs pressure Capture.PNG
    2016 ATS-V Bruce F1.hpl
    Torque FP.Layout.xml