Hey I'm doing about the same kind of work to my 18 silverado. Texas speed stage 3 performance package, afm/dod delete, circle d torque converter, I'm...
I've read every single thread on this subject and I'm getting conflicting info. I understand how all the tables, adders, modifiers arrive at a final...
2019 silverado 6.2L. I have my AEM Uego passthrough WB hooked up and the gauge reads good but my scanner always says lambda of 1.02. I have PID WB EQ...
loaded the file and waiting to drop ECT. its at 113 right now. I think some of the issue is with the "ghost cam" as he called it. tbh, i dont really...
i asked him the same question about closed loop, he did some things and it started to run like crap. Im really really new at all the tuning stuff. i...