You're aware there are about fourteen thousand differences (estimate, I may be guessing a little on the high side) between patrol.hpt and new ecu ute...
I would believe its pretty lean as no matter how much throttle you give it, it doesn't kick over at all. I can't even get it to idle, the engine got...
I've just started using my MPVI3 and I completed the training courses, so that opened up the Parameter Access for me. However, even though I can now...
i have a gen 3 with a p01, i have a 3 bar map sensor in my intake but not using the 310 table, im using the 105 . i want to do the real time tuning....
6.0 engine in in a 1951 merc. engine was already in car when i bought it. engine was completely gone through cam pistons lifter intake and so on but...
i have posted once before. apparently my 02 sensors where not wired up correctly. i think i fixed that problem. heres the new log . i havent actually...