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Thread: L5p tuning

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
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    L5p tuning

    Anybody have any tips/pointers on tuning an l5p? Or if there are any classes available to learn from?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Arlington WA
    good luck. and if anyone says tuning academy they are lying.

  3. #3
    Potential Tuner
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    Jun 2020
    Thanks lol. Going to fry and figure it out the hard way

  4. #4
    Potential Tuner
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    I can set you up with tunes for that truck or I can unlock any locked tune also. You can send me a email to [email protected]

  5. #5
    Potential Tuner
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    Oct 2023
    i have 200 files and can unlock files for you email me [email protected]

  6. #6
    Potential Tuner
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    I also am interested in learning the basics of Tuning. Not sure if theres a 'for dumies' guide. I'm a 20+ year IT guy, and learned alot of skills from that book series.. I've done programming, and 'configuring' routers, programming firmware, etc. I know its a lot more indepth than any one device. but then again, say configuring an entire 'raw' server chassis to be a specific server with OS, vlan's, application software hosting mission critical services & finely tuned for redundancy with a second server,.. i think it gets comprable. And I've got the chops to configure, maintain, tune a few different types of servers.. so I'm down for some lessons on tuning some Engine control modules.

  7. #7
    Advanced Tuner omega_5's Avatar
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    Not sure why everyone is so secretive about this kind of stuff. Diesel tuning is pretty straight forward. Especially on the newer trucks with NOx sensors.

    Quick and dirty guide;
    Step 1 - Find your main injection tables, and add fuel in the desired area. The old school starting point for a beginner was to add 15-20% to the high commanded fuel / high fuel pressure area, and blend that out. If you're learning, I recommend to start with adding small amounts and go from there.
    Step 2 - Find your desired boost tables, and add the same percent of air.
    Step 3 - Go for a drive and log lambda on the desired boost table (via on-board NOx sensor or aftermarket wideband). Aim for ~1.27-1.30 lambda on newer trucks. Adjust the desired boost tables to suit.
    Step 4 - Find your timing tables. For a beginner, definitely grab the latest injection calculator from a few threads down. Start playing with the timing.
    Step 5 - Repeat Step 3 after timing is dialed in, to make sure it's running clean.

    Not that I recommend it for a beginner, but when you start pushing big power on some engines, you will run out of fuel or air. Log the desired vs actual boost, desired fuel pressure vs actual, and your injection pulsewidth. If you see a deviation start, back it off and assess what you're lacking.
    If you put in the time to test and log, you can do pretty amazing things on your own. Just remember; make small changes.

  8. #8
    Potential Tuner
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    I think its the underlying thing with diesels, that some people want to .. eliminate the emissions controls things like DEF or DPF.. I've been wanting to get some performance out of 2 different chevrolet trucks that I have. 1 happens to be diesel, 1 is a gas.. I have been using my mpvi3 to help me investigate an issue with my DPF & confirm i might have fixed a sensor that GM 'wouldnt' attempt to fix without replacing the DPF & charging me 2k for it. (break clean for the win) I'll say just that alone, has probably helped the mpvi3 pay for itself.

  9. #9
    Some are secretive by human nature, and want to force to make a buck. But my 2 they (the notice) want a pro that has the knowledge, to tell the novice exactly HOW to do it. Click here, click there. do this...yes do that. And get it for free. So that they don't have to think. lol. Not everyone and I am not targeting everyone. For me...ONCE you understand afr...and how it works in a diesel.... it really is straight forward. Limiting tables are confusing but again, trial and error. Honestly Nick P's series on YT explains the process and pretty dang in depth.

    As for eliminating the EPA regulated equipment, that is another thing that many won't talk in public about for obvious reasons.

    PS i'm mediocre at best as i do it for fun... I'll get it 95% there. That last 5% is LOTS of trial and error and experience. Great write up though its spot on.!
    2006 GTO 403ci lsa heads kooks long tubes corsa ss exhaust OTR intake HPTuned

    2010 GMC Sierra LMM Duramax. Exhaust and tuned

  10. #10
    Advanced Tuner omega_5's Avatar
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    Totally agree. A lot of beginners are looking for a 'how-to' guide. As much as HPA and others get roasted, they provide that service.
    For those of us that got in to the weeds, we try and steer people that same direction; find out WHY things work the way they do. Read the descriptions in the editor, and experiment with it. Especially if it's a hobby. Just have fun with it.
    Good call on the Nick P videos. I didn't even know they existed before you posted that. There is some decent information there to get people started.

    I'm going to echo the same comment on emissions; no one(with any sense) will discuss that on this forum. HPTuners and the community have had enough issues keeping the EPA off everyone's back. If you want to go down that path, send a few PMs or search around for one of the forums that deal in that kind of stuff.

  11. #11
    Potential Tuner
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    Thanks all. That being said, I think i've hijacked this thread enough lol, I'll try to use the advice above & work on building a heavy haul tune once i get my emissions issue fixed & i have a safe, Compliant truck to work with.

  12. #12
    Potential Tuner
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    Quote Originally Posted by L5P Tuner View Post
    I can set you up with tunes for that truck or I can unlock any locked tune also. You can send me a email to [email protected]
    Is this true even for slaved tunes? I would be very interested in this if that is so. I would love to have the ability to tweak what I already have.
    Last edited by 18L5PKP; 12-09-2024 at 05:24 PM. Reason: Spelling correction

  13. #13
    Tuner in Training
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    Sep 2021
    Sorry for the hijack - Can new L5P injectors be programmed with MPVI 2+ and VCM? My ECM is unlocked and tuned already. I've got some water damaged injectors and need to program the iq codes into a new set.

  14. #14
    Advanced Tuner JnJSpdShop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by L5P Tuner View Post
    I can set you up with tunes for that truck or I can unlock any locked tune also. You can send me a email to [email protected]
    Quote Originally Posted by pushinp View Post
    i have 200 files and can unlock files for you email me [email protected]
    Both of y'all sounds like bottom feeders

    Western New York's Performance Headquarters


  15. #15
    No you will need a proper scan tool to do this

  16. #16
    Potential Tuner
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    Did you ever get your injectors programed?
    If not there is a simple app that uses a obd plug in reader that will allow you to di it, but it only works with a few select ones.