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Thread: Tuning the EEC-V with the MPVI3

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Nov 2023

    Tuning the EEC-V with the MPVI3

    So American Muscle is selling the MPVI3 for the 2003 2004 Mach1 Mustang. I called the tech line at American Muscle to verify this was correct and they said the MPVI3 was released it a couple days ago for sale on their site. I bought one thinking that it was finally ready for the EEC-V but when i registered the device on HPtuner site, theres no tune file available for the 2003 mustang. I have a read only file that Tony Gonyon sent me awhile back when i was thinking about switching from the Moates Quarterhorse to HPtuners. The question is does anybody know when the tune files will available for the 99-04 mustangs? Also will i need to send this back to American Muscle and get a refund?

  2. #2
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    MPVI3 currently does not support EEC-V vehicles in any capacity.
    Only MPVI2 and MPVI2+ devices support EEC-V vehicles (excluding data logging capabilities).

  3. #3
    Advanced Tuner
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    New Orleans, LA
    I now the thread is old but I don't frequent often.

    You are aware the moates quarterhorse plugs directly in to the programming port on the back of the ecu? Its logging capabilities and realtime tuning is far superior. Ask anyone and they will tell you that they would much prefer to be able to change the value in the software and have it update immediately while the engine is running.

    OBD-II logging is significantly slower almost to the point where i'd say its unusable on those older ecu's for tuning purposes.
    decipha @ EFIDynoTuning